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No. No one did. Her twin sister Courtney got killed because Courtney was pretending to be Ali. After Alison (Courtney) got in an argument with Spencer Alison got her revenge of killing Courtney.

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Q: Did Mona kill Ali
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Why would Mona kill Ali on Pretty Little Liars?

Mona did not kill Ali. Spencer killed Mona because Mona was trying to kill her. The real Ali came to Rosewood and killed Courtney, her twin, because Courtney the crazy one stole Ali's life. The real Ali also killed Jenna, and framed Billy Ford, the Gazebo worker for both Ali and Jenna's murder.

Why did Mona want to kill the Pretty Little Liars?

because ali made fun of mona, and then when ali was stilll alive . all the pretty little liarss did he same thing to ,mona befor ali died !

Did Mona and Lucas plan to kill Ali?

No... I don't think so...

In Pretty Little Liars is Ali A?

Yes Ali is A but not at first. Mona was A first because she wanted revenge on Emily, Hanna, Spencer and Aria because they were mean to her when she was younger. Mona died falling off a cliff when she was trying to kill Hanna because Hanna knew Mona was A. Instead Mona fell and died. .Ali never died it was her twin sister Courtney who was sent to a mental hospital did. When Courtney came to visit she said she was Ali. Their parents sent the real Ali to the mental hospital. Ali escaped and came to Rosewood to kill her sister Courtney. Ali's parents still thought Ali was Courtney so they thought Ali was dead. Ali was sent back to the mental hospital. After a while Ali escaped and became A. Ali was never really friends with the liars, Courtney was. Ali wan't revenge on them for thinking they were friends but weren't. That is how Ali is A. In the t.v. show Ali is not A. She is trying to run away from different A's. Mona is not the only A.

How does Spencer Kill Mona?

Spencer didnt kill mona mona tried to kill spencer because she knew Mona was a but Mona falls and Spencer cant hold her any longer and she falls but she is alive and mental hospital but is faking to be crazy

Is Mona or Ali A?

first it was Mona than she get killed so Ali is A now

Who is A in Pretty Little Liars after Mona dies?

The real Ali! The real Ali killed her twin sister Courtney who had a mental problem and always thought she was Ali. Ali found out all the girls secrets and is now the new a after Mona vanderwaal fell of the quarry trying to kill Spencer.

Is Mona pretending to be A?

yes, Mona distract them but she is never the real a. Ali was always the real -A. Mona only know alls of the information because she has Ali's diary from the Ali shrine.

Who does Spencer kill on Pretty Little Liars?

who is ali so affraid of that it makes her hide and fake her death for 2 years

How did Jenna kill Ali in Pretty Little Liars?

You don't know that she killed her in the television show, but in the books, Courtney, Alison's twin sister, killed Ali. Mona is the first A, and Courtney is the second A, because Mona dies in the books, but A is someone different in the show. I know that A is different because I read on the ABCfamily website that A is different. So Jenna didn't kill Ali in the books or the TV show.

Where is Ali when Mona is A?

Hiding in her basement

What is the birth name of Mona Zaki?

Mona Zaki's birth name is Mona Ali Mohamed Zaki.