Yepp, i think its becuz she wanted to swear in her songs. IDK. but yes she did.
Her dad commented during an interview with Oprah that she goes by Miley because, when she was little, she was smiling all the time. He called her 'smiley', which later turned into 'Miley'. he used to call her destiny then smiley then it was legally changed to miley, short for Destiny Hope Ray Cyrus.
No, he is still alive as of late 2009. He is singer and actor Billy Ray Cyrus (born August 21, 1961).
robby ray sings sometimes but is actually the manager/dadfor miley cyrus
when is miley cyrus's dad what? you didnt finish your question
Miley Cyrus's dad is billy-ray Cyrus which is the dad in hanah Montana
miley`s dad`s name is billy ray cyrus
Miley Cyrus's dad is Billy Ray Cyrus. He plays Miley stuward(don't know how to spell sry) dad in the show called "Hannah Montana"
ummm ppl Miley Cyrus does not have a baby
Billy Ray Cyrus is Miley´s dad
yeah. Miley Cyrus loves her dad a lot but sometimes her and her parents argue.
Yes he is, Miley Cyrus dad, Billy Ray Cyrus is 6'0 (183 cm).
just like the telvision series her father billy ray is her manager / father / songwriter what a good dad he is
Billie Ray Cyrus
Miley Cyrus is part philiphilino and her dad is an Americian