No, he is still alive as of late 2009. He is singer and actor Billy Ray Cyrus (born August 21, 1961).
Miley Cyrus Did not Die she is still alive
She's not dead. She's very much alive. You mean Hannah Montana's mom? Idk
His first wife is Cindy Smith, who divorced Billy in 1991. She had two kids conceived after the divorce and they were given to Billy Ray. Those children were Miley and Christopher Cyrus.
No, his dad did not die. His parents got a divorce.
Miley's mom died. Miley talks about her leaving. I like to know how but I know she died. the answer above is correct but in the episode he could be the one there is a video that shows her and she talks as if she knows she will die so it was probably on cancer :( exactly^^ because there is also an episode that miley is given a video from her dad, about boys or something, and her mom talks about how she knew that the time would come her dad couldn't explain//understand these things. (lol) and she wishes she could be there. so i think that she knew she was going to die and she then made things for miley for when she was older and for help. :/
Tish is Miley Cyruss step mom. Miley Cyrus birth mom die when she was little
letishia (tish) Cyrus is her mom she did not die she is still married to dad billy ray
No, Billy Ray Cyrus is not dead
yes sadly and her dad has aswell.
Miley Cyrus's mum is still alive, her names Tish Cyrus. Miley Stewart in Hannah Montana (A fictional character), her mum is dead.
Miley's mother didn't die. Her characters mom in Hannah Montana died, in real life she is still very much alive.
no, her real mum isn't dead.
no, she didnt die shes just not famos as her dad is and well shes not famos.
Her mom real mom didnt die she just ran off when Miley was born or somthing like that!!!!!
No, Miley's mom did not die when she was a baby. She in fact is still alive. Only for the show Hannah Montana Miley's mom died. But that is not the case for real life. So who those of you who thought that. Thing again.