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No, he's old and far too strong that's why he lives at a sanctuary.

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14y ago

yeah. He Picked it up in "Leave Me alone"

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Q: Did Michael Jackson touch his monkey?
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Can Michael Jackson's monkey talk?

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Why type of monkey did Michael Jackson have?

A chipanzee named Bubbles.

Does Michael Jackson have animals?

Yes he has a monkey called Bubbles

Did Michael Jackson write a song about his monkey bubbles?

No he didn't.

Does Michael Jackson have pets?

he has a pet monkey called bubbles

What are the main kinds of monkeys?

The Michael Jackson monkey is the most common monkey ever.

Did Michael Jackson live with a monkey?

Yes, he reportedly befriended a monkey he called Bubbles during parts of his career.

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You can't.

Was Michael Jackson's grandpa abusive to mjs father?

Unknown? There appears to be little info regarding the nature of Michael Jackson's paternal grandfather. We all know the stories of Joe Jackson mistreating his children, especially Michael. Abuse is quite often passed on down through generations. "Monkey See - Monkey Do"

How can I get in touch with Michael Jackson?

As he has died, you would have to hold a seance.

What is Michael Jackson's son bubbles real name?

Bubbles was his pet monkey not his son.