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Q: Did Michael Jackson ever live in Michigan?
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Yes, Brandon did live in inkster Michigan.

Who is the most famous person to ever live?

Its probably Jesus. Next could be Michael Jackson.

Did Michael Jackson ever sing give in to me live?

He never perfomed it live.

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Did Michael Jackson ever perform smile live?

No, that was just one of Michael's favorite personal songs but never performed live.

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Is Michael a cool name?

Yes, Michael is a cool name. Hello Michael Jackson was the Greateset pop star ever to live. And to have the same name is cool to me.

Where does Michael Moore live?

He is in Traverse City, Michigan. Why are you in Traverse City, Michigan? MICHAEL MOORE: I live here, Larry.

Who could Michael Jackson be compared to?

Michael Jackson can't be compared to anyone. He's original. He's the greatest entertainer, preformer, singer, human to ever live. He's uncomparable . Sorry.

What did Michael Jackson do for the country?

he has be the worlds gearts king of pop and that. what is did he brought love to the world and made it a better place.ever were u go Michael will for ever live