Yes, in the mid 1980's he did the hand and shoeprints. It was recently installed outside Grauman's Chinese Theatre, along with ones his three children made using one of his gloves and a pair of his shoes.
No, Michael Jackson was not related to Mahalia Jackson.
Nobody will be able to say all of them, but here are a few. The words they make are in capitals: michael jackSON (Son) MichAel jacksoN (Man) miCHaEl jaCKson (Check) michaEl jackSON (Nose) micHaEl jACkson (Ache)
Michael Jackson from the Jackson 5 was not in Bugsy Malone, it was another Michael Jackson.
Paris-Michael Katherine Jackson is Michael Jackson's second child.Daughter of Michael Jackson and Debbie RoweSister of Prince Michael Jackson I & Prince Michael Jackson II.Niece of Jackie Jackson, Tito Jackson, Jermaine Jackson, Marlon Jackson, Rebbie Jackson, La Toya Jackson, Randy Jackson and Janet JacksonGranddaughter of Joe Jackson and Katherine JacksonGodfather is Macaulay Culkin. Godmother is Elizabeth TaylorCousin of Jermaine Jackson II, Valencia Jackson, Brittany Jackson, and Marlon Jackson Jr
in Hollywood
It was made after Michael's passing.
Sofia Boutella.
E True Hollywood Story - 1996 Michael Jackson was released on: USA: 8 June 2003
No he has one, the other Michael Jackson star is for a talk show host.
He has one of his own and one with the Jackson 5.
Michael Jackson
Hollywood tonight is the best video and also the best song on Michael Jackson's new album.
Michael Jackson memorabilia can be purchased from: eBay, Hollywood Memorabilia, Michael Jackson Trader, Popstar Collector, Memorabilia UK, Preloved, MJJ Collectors, Amazon, prices vary.
If you mean Madame Tussauds, then yes.
because he was the king of pop.