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Yes, he did. Carter was wise enough to admit to his wife about his relationship with Mary Ambrose and the birth of their son. She forgave him and remained married to him. He was therefore no longer beholden to report as Mary Ambrose instructed under threat of exposure. He officially recanted his prior statement to two reporters, one from the Daily Scottsman and one from The Denver Post. His belated honorable actions helped to quash a proposed book that Mary Ambrose had intended to write about her relationship with Robert Palmer as his girlfiend. He was instumental in conjunction with the Palmer family in helping to get an injunction signed by a Superior Court Judge legally barring Mary Ambrose from writing the proposed book. He inquired of Geraldine Edwards, Robert Palmer's girlfriend, if she would like him to give an interview clearing up the matter to the press, and she said no. She wanted to preserve Robert Palmer's reputation and did not want an embarrasing scandal attached to him. She took the high road and told Carter to let it go. Later, when it was discovered that Mary Ambrose had tried to sell a story to the press about an imaginary marriage to Robert Palmer while he was still married to Susan Palmer, she did not feel the same. Some of her close friends wanted to make comment about the actual situation at that point to clear the record, which she had previously prohibited them from doing as a favor to her. At that point, she told them that they were free to do as they pleased. It would not affect her one way or the other. Geraldine Edwards still gets offers to be interviewed about the situation but she politely tells the reporters that it is her policy not to grant interviews regarding the subject.

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Yes, according to the late Robert Palmer, Mary Ambrose and Mick Carter had a son together in 2001.

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Q: Did Mary Ambrose have a child with the late Robert Palmers manager Mick Carter?
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Did Mary Ambrose Robert Palmers ex girlfriend offer to erase Mick Carters Palmers former managers substansial debt to Palmers family if he would announce her as palmers companion after palmers death?

Yes. Mick Carter, who was Robert Palmer's manager, and who was fired in September of 2003 did owe Robert Palmer a substansial financial debt. After an audit was conducted on accounts of Palmer's that Mick Carter was a signatore on, financial improprieties were discovered. Mick Carter had withdrawn $250,000.00 over a five-year time period for his personal use and then covered the transactions by listing them in accounting ledgers under legitimate explanations. When information contained in the ledgers was double checked it was discovered that receipts were created for companies that did not exist as well as trips and expenses that allegedly took place on Palmer's behalf had never actually occurred. Several cancelled checks were missing pertaining to these entries, causing a red flag to go up. Mick Carter was fired upon the discovery, and Robert Palmer made an arrangement for Mick Carter to reimburse him the lost money. Carter was going to mortgage his estate in restitution for the debt. When Robert Palmer died soon thereafter, and Mick Carter concluded that Robert Palmer had not yet told anyone about his firing or about his actions regarding the accounts. Unfortunately for Mick Carter, Robert Palmer had told a handful of people close to him about the situation, but Carter did not realize this. Robert Palmer had ended his personal relationship with Mary Ambrose in February of 2003. He had dated her casually from 2000 to 2003, after his 1999 divorce from his second wife Susan Palmer. She also worked for him as his live-in estate manager and personal assistant. Mary Ambrose was anxious that she should be reported as Robert Palmer's companion at the time of his death, even though Robert Palmer was by then engaged to Geraldine Edwards, his longtime friend and girlfriend. Palmer and Edwards had met in 1975. Mary Ambrose had discovered that Mick Carter owed Robert Palmer money before Palmer had passed away through a third-hand source. She promised Mick Carter that if he announced her name as Robert Palmer's companion, she would erase the debt. Mick Carter believed her and made the announcement. As it stood, however, Mary Ambrose did not have the actual authority to erase the debt, as she well knew, and Mick Carter was told he would have to rectify the debt. By then, the announcement had been made. Another mitigating factor for making the announcement was that Mary Ambrose had a son in 2001, fathered by Mick Carter. The two used to date. Mick Carter was married at the time and wished to keep the existence of his love child with Mary Ambrose from his wife. Ambrose was not exclusive with Palmer while they dated and had two sons from acquaintances of his. In the end, Mick Carter was compelled to pay the debt he owed the late Robert Palmer to Palmer's family.

Was Mary Ambrose invited to Robert Palmers funeral?

No, she was not. Although Mary Ambrose asked for an invitation to the funeral, the Palmer family advised her that she would not be in receipt of one.

Why are there two different answers to the question did Mick Carter Robert Palmers manager attend Robert Palmers funeral?

The correct answer is that Carter did not attend the funeral, per Robert Palmer's daughter, Anna Palmer. Some people did answer yes to the question, assuming that was the case, but the word of a family member in attendance at the funeral takes precidence over an educated guess.

How did Mary Ambroses name get attached to the singer Robert Palmers obituaries when I heard Robert Palmer announce Geraldine Edwards as his girlfriend on Access Hollywood shortly before his death?

According to Robert Palmer himself in interviews, his close friends, and his family members, Geraldine Edwards was his girlfriend at the time of his death. She had been his girlfriend since Palmer's divorce from Susan in 1999. Mary Ambrose was a woman who casually dated Robert Palmer from 2000 to 2003 and who worked for Palmer as his Estate Manager and his Personal Assistant for that same period of years. According to Peter Bascombe, a close Palmer friend, as well as others that knew Palmer, Mary Ambrose was definintely not considered Robert Palmer's girlfriend. Mary Ambrose even had two children from friends and acquaintances of Robert Palmer while employed by him and dating him. One Palmer friend, Leo Stapleton, who also worked with Palmer professionally, stated publicly that Palmer referred to Mary Ambrose as "the arrangement" because she was simply there, not unlike Mt. Everest. He did not consider her his primary relationship. Palmer had met Mary Ambrose socially in 1995 at a party in San Diego, California. How her name came to be attached to the obituaries was because Robert Palmer's manager, Mick Carter, announced Mary Ambroses' name to the press as Robert Palmer's girlfriend in error. The press then reported Ambroses' name upon Carter's word. Carter was very fond of Mary Ambrose and in fact had a child with her in 2001. His excuse to one one Palmer friend, Joey Faahar, was "I felt that I should do it for Mary. She loved him so much. And she did live with him." When Faahar pointed out that she lived with him as his Estate Manager and Personal Assistant, Carter replied "That doesn't matter. She was living there." Shortly thereafter, Carter was legally enjoined from announcing Mary Ambrose as Robert Palmer's girlfriend, but he had caused a tremendous amount of upset and confusion in the meanwhile.

Is it true that Robert Palmers manager Mick Carter was not invited to Robert Palmers funeral?

The funeral, which was in London, England, was intended only for family and close friends. Mick Carter was held in most of Robert Palmer's friends regards as an employee (his manager) who Robert Palmer was definintely friendly with, but not regarded as a close personal friend. Therefore, he was not in receipt of an invitation to the funeral.

Related questions

Why did the late Robert Palmers manager Mick Carter make so many errors in reportage after Robert Palmers death?

It can be chalked up to a lack of knowledge about his client. Although Carter was personal friends with Robert Palmer, he did not know a lot about his personal life and that is where the reporting errors cropped up. They started with Carter reporting Mary Ambrose as Robert Palmer's partner vacationing with him in Paris at the time of his death. Robert Palmer's companion at the time of his death was Geraldine Edwards. The reason for this misreport was that Carter and Ambrose were very close and had a child together in 2001. According to Carter, he took Ambrose at her word, and announced Ambrose's name to the press. In addition to this, Carter announced Robert Palmer's divorce date from Susan Palmer as 1991. The correct divorce date was in 1999. He also quoted that Robert Palmer was in "Perfect Health" prior to his death. That was not correct. Robert Palmer was suffering from Hypertension and was being treated medically for that condition. Jack Bruce, another of Mick Carter's client's, was vacationing with Robert Palmer in Paris, France at the time of his death, not Mary Ambrose. And finally, Mick Carter reported that Robert Palmer was only married once and had only two children. Robert Palmer was married twice and had five children. His final reporting faux pas was telling the press that Robert Palmer was to be buried at his home in Lugano, Switzerland. That is not correct. There was a Memorial Service for Robert Palmer in Lugano, Switzerland, however, Robert Palmer was buried in London, England.

Did Mary Ambrose Robert Palmers ex girlfriend offer to erase Mick Carters Palmers former managers substansial debt to Palmers family if he would announce her as palmers companion after palmers death?

Yes. Mick Carter, who was Robert Palmer's manager, and who was fired in September of 2003 did owe Robert Palmer a substansial financial debt. After an audit was conducted on accounts of Palmer's that Mick Carter was a signatore on, financial improprieties were discovered. Mick Carter had withdrawn $250,000.00 over a five-year time period for his personal use and then covered the transactions by listing them in accounting ledgers under legitimate explanations. When information contained in the ledgers was double checked it was discovered that receipts were created for companies that did not exist as well as trips and expenses that allegedly took place on Palmer's behalf had never actually occurred. Several cancelled checks were missing pertaining to these entries, causing a red flag to go up. Mick Carter was fired upon the discovery, and Robert Palmer made an arrangement for Mick Carter to reimburse him the lost money. Carter was going to mortgage his estate in restitution for the debt. When Robert Palmer died soon thereafter, and Mick Carter concluded that Robert Palmer had not yet told anyone about his firing or about his actions regarding the accounts. Unfortunately for Mick Carter, Robert Palmer had told a handful of people close to him about the situation, but Carter did not realize this. Robert Palmer had ended his personal relationship with Mary Ambrose in February of 2003. He had dated her casually from 2000 to 2003, after his 1999 divorce from his second wife Susan Palmer. She also worked for him as his live-in estate manager and personal assistant. Mary Ambrose was anxious that she should be reported as Robert Palmer's companion at the time of his death, even though Robert Palmer was by then engaged to Geraldine Edwards, his longtime friend and girlfriend. Palmer and Edwards had met in 1975. Mary Ambrose had discovered that Mick Carter owed Robert Palmer money before Palmer had passed away through a third-hand source. She promised Mick Carter that if he announced her name as Robert Palmer's companion, she would erase the debt. Mick Carter believed her and made the announcement. As it stood, however, Mary Ambrose did not have the actual authority to erase the debt, as she well knew, and Mick Carter was told he would have to rectify the debt. By then, the announcement had been made. Another mitigating factor for making the announcement was that Mary Ambrose had a son in 2001, fathered by Mick Carter. The two used to date. Mick Carter was married at the time and wished to keep the existence of his love child with Mary Ambrose from his wife. Ambrose was not exclusive with Palmer while they dated and had two sons from acquaintances of his. In the end, Mick Carter was compelled to pay the debt he owed the late Robert Palmer to Palmer's family.

Was Mary Ambrose invited to Robert Palmers funeral?

No, she was not. Although Mary Ambrose asked for an invitation to the funeral, the Palmer family advised her that she would not be in receipt of one.

Why are there two different answers to the question did Mick Carter Robert Palmers manager attend Robert Palmers funeral?

The correct answer is that Carter did not attend the funeral, per Robert Palmer's daughter, Anna Palmer. Some people did answer yes to the question, assuming that was the case, but the word of a family member in attendance at the funeral takes precidence over an educated guess.

How did Mary Ambroses name get attached to the singer Robert Palmers obituaries when I heard Robert Palmer announce Geraldine Edwards as his girlfriend on Access Hollywood shortly before his death?

According to Robert Palmer himself in interviews, his close friends, and his family members, Geraldine Edwards was his girlfriend at the time of his death. She had been his girlfriend since Palmer's divorce from Susan in 1999. Mary Ambrose was a woman who casually dated Robert Palmer from 2000 to 2003 and who worked for Palmer as his Estate Manager and his Personal Assistant for that same period of years. According to Peter Bascombe, a close Palmer friend, as well as others that knew Palmer, Mary Ambrose was definintely not considered Robert Palmer's girlfriend. Mary Ambrose even had two children from friends and acquaintances of Robert Palmer while employed by him and dating him. One Palmer friend, Leo Stapleton, who also worked with Palmer professionally, stated publicly that Palmer referred to Mary Ambrose as "the arrangement" because she was simply there, not unlike Mt. Everest. He did not consider her his primary relationship. Palmer had met Mary Ambrose socially in 1995 at a party in San Diego, California. How her name came to be attached to the obituaries was because Robert Palmer's manager, Mick Carter, announced Mary Ambroses' name to the press as Robert Palmer's girlfriend in error. The press then reported Ambroses' name upon Carter's word. Carter was very fond of Mary Ambrose and in fact had a child with her in 2001. His excuse to one one Palmer friend, Joey Faahar, was "I felt that I should do it for Mary. She loved him so much. And she did live with him." When Faahar pointed out that she lived with him as his Estate Manager and Personal Assistant, Carter replied "That doesn't matter. She was living there." Shortly thereafter, Carter was legally enjoined from announcing Mary Ambrose as Robert Palmer's girlfriend, but he had caused a tremendous amount of upset and confusion in the meanwhile.

Is it true that Robert Palmers manager Mick Carter was not invited to Robert Palmers funeral?

The funeral, which was in London, England, was intended only for family and close friends. Mick Carter was held in most of Robert Palmer's friends regards as an employee (his manager) who Robert Palmer was definintely friendly with, but not regarded as a close personal friend. Therefore, he was not in receipt of an invitation to the funeral.

Who are Aaron Carter's parents?

His parents were Robert Gene Carter and Jane Elizabeth Carter (née Spaulding) - his mom was his manager.

Why did some articles refer to Mary Ambrose Robert Palmers ex-girlfriend as his girlfriend of twenty years when they dated for three years and broke up in 2003?

The reason for the misreports are simple; Mick Carter, representing himself as Robert Palmer's manager provided this information to the press and they printed it, taking him at his word. Unfortunately, by the time Robert Palmer had died, Mick Carter had been fired. He made a series of dubious reports about his former client, Robert Palmer, after his death, in a forty-eight hour time period proceeding Robert Palmer's death. When the facts were brought to bear i.e. that Mick Carter had been fired prior to Robert Palmer's death, he was legally stopped from making any further announcements about Robert Palmer. But in that forty-eight hour time period issuing a series of false reports regarding Robert Palmer, he had done a lot of damage. These are the correct facts about Mary Ambrose vis-a-vis her relationship with Robert Palmer. Mary Ambrose dated Robert Palmer from mid-2000 to early 2003. She had met him socially in 1995 in Coronado, California, but the two did not date until mid-2000, when Robert Palmer hired Ambrose as his live-in Estate Manager and Personal Assistant. Prior to that he had been married to his second wife, Susan Eileen Thatcher until 1999. The relationship between Robert Palmer and Mary Ambrose was not monagamous, and Robert Palmer ended his personal relationship with her in early 2003. The entire time that Robert Palmer was dating Mary Ambrose he was also involved with Geraldine Edwards, who he represented as his girlfriend. By early 2003, Robert Palmer and Geraldine Edwards had become engaged and were looking for a home together in the Los Angeles area. In Robert Palmer's last Access Hollywood interview prior to his death, he announced Geraldine Edwards name as that of his girlfriend he had recently become engaged to. The motivation for Mick Carter deliberatly misreporting Mary Ambrose's name as Robert Palmer's girlfriend was also simple. He was close friends with her, the two having a son together in 2001, and more importantly, Mick Carter was told by Mary Ambrose that she was going to be the sole inheritor of the Estate of Robert Palmer which was valued at $54 million dollars. One can surmise that Mick Carter saw money in his future coming from the Estate. He was willing to report any information that Mary Ambrose provided him with to the press. In addition to that, Mick Carter disliked Geraldine Edwards, Robert Palmer's fiancee, intently. She was partly responsible for Robert Palmer auditing his accounts which led directly to the firing of Carter. Later, the entire house of cards fell apart when friends and family members of Robert Palmer's came forward to report the situation in a public way. Mary Ambrose's family was instrumental in correcting the record, their actions were honorable. They were the first to point out that Mary Catherine Ambrose was only twenty-six years old at the time of Robert Palmer's death, and that for some strange reason she tried to start representing her name as Mary Frances Ambrose. They made perfectecly clear what Mary Ambrose's name was and how old she was, which was that her name was Mary Catherine Ambrose, not Mary Frances, and that she was born in June of 1977, making her twenty-six years old at the time of Robert Palmer's death. Her brother Michael Ambrose Jr, made a funny statement to the press, saying "I know my sister was not dating Robert Palmer when she was six years old." The incorrect information provided by some articles can be laid at the door of Mick Carter exclusively, when he chose to misreport the facts to suit himself and Mary Ambrose.

Is it true that Mary Ambrose Robert Palmers Estate Manager and sometimes date tried to sell a story to the tabloids stating that she and Robert Palmer had gotten secretly married in 1996?

Mary Ambrose was twenty-six years old at the time of Robert Palmers death, according to her late mother, Linda Ambrose. According to Mary Ambrose's brother Michael, she was born on June 9, 1977. For reasons that nobody could ascertain, Mary Ambrose herself and Mick Carter started announcing her age as thrity-six years old at the time of Robert Palmers death and that information got into print. Unfortunately for Mary Ambrose, people who did actually know her reported her correct age, ending the charade that she was a decade older.

Is it true that Jack Bruce and Marianne Faithfull fired Mick Carter Robert Palmers manager after he deliberatley misprepresented facts about Palmer to the press after his death?

Yes. Both fired Mick Carter after his bizarre reporting after Robert Palmer's death. He point blank lied about the circumstances of Robert Palmer's life for personal reasons that suited him. He gave the name of the wrong woman as Robert Palmer's companion at the time of his death. He named Mary Ambrose, a past casual date of Robert Palmer's as his companion, when his girlfriend was Geraldine Edwards. Palmer himself mentioned Geraldine's name in his last interview. Carter also said Mary Ambrose was in Paris with Robert Palmer vacationing when he died. That was a complete lie. Robert Palmer was vacationing with Jack Bruce, and Carter knew that because he was also in Paris at the time that Robert Palmer died. He also grandly announced that Robert Palmer was married and divorced only once, and only had two children. Palmer was married twice and had five children. He also insisted that Robert Palmer was going to be buried in Switzerland. Palmer was interred in London, England, by his family. And then he announced that Robert Palmer was in perfect health. Palmer suffered from Hypertension and Mitral Valve Prolapse. The man sounded like a lying fool, which he was. Marianne Faithfull fired him one week after his misreports, alarmed at his behavior. And on a humorous note, Jack Bruce gave Carter a punch in the nose for his antics and then fired him. Jack Bruce did it with style. On an even funnier note, Carter had a child in 2001 with Mary Ambrose, the woman he annnounced as Robert Palmer's companion. Carter performed quite a song and dance to cover for himself after his client Robert Palmer's death. On an even funnier note, Carter went out of business in 2004 due to his weird behavior after Robert Palmer's death. His judgment could no longer be trusted in a professional vernacular.

What is Robert Palmers's birthday?

Robert Palmer was born on January 19, 1949.

Did Mary Ambrose Robert Palmers former girlfriend inherit his mansion in Lugano Switzerland I have read comments by his grown children that the Estate was sold?

No, Mary Ambrose did not inherit his manison in Lugano, Switzerland. It was sold as part of the Estate of Robert Palmer. The mansion was sold by Soteby's European Real Estate Division in early 2004 at the behest of James Palmer, the Executor of the Estate of Robert Palmer. According to James Palmer, the proceeds of the sale were distributed equally among Robert Palmer's five children.