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Q: Did Joey Ramone have a double set of teeth?
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Double Bass Drum Set

What is the medical term meaning first set of teeth?

Baby teeth, milk teeth or first teeth. Baby teeth, milk teeth or first teeth.

Do top molars have a second set of teeth?

Yes they do, all teeth have a second set of teeth

Do top molars have second set of teeth?

Yes they do, all teeth have a second set of teeth

How big can a mini pug get?

2 tons 4 stories high 8 beedy eyes double set of razor teeth

What teeth do horses lose?

Horses lose their deciduous or "baby" teeth. When horses are born they already have their secondary set of teeth underneath their "baby teeth" just as humans do. The permanent set of teeth will grow in and push the primary set of teeth out.

Why does people has 2 set of teeth at the back of there other teeth at the fro?

You should only have one set of teeth

How many teeth are there found in a set temporary teeth?

20 teeth

How many teeth will you lose after you have gotten your adult set of teeth?

You will lose none because that is your last set of teeth and you better not lose them.

How many teeth are there in the first set of teeth?


How many teeth are in a set of baby teeth?


What is the first set or primary teeth?

milk teeth