No the quote, "Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn" is from the movie "Gone with the Wind" and was spoken by Rhett Butler (portrayed by Clark Gable)
On Selena Gomez song Hit the lights one of the lyrics said "But your to Damn scared to fly" dont believe me hear her song on youtube :)
In Alpha and Omega Humphrey's voice is Justin Long,And Kate's voice is Hayden Panittier and i love Kate and i like Lilly and humphrey cause Kate is hot.And Garth is last on my list of course i dont like his attitude.My favriote is Kate and yours is to i guess,(TIP;theres more kate fans than any other alpha and omega character)
i believe u dont no the a. its asses i believe u dont no the a. its asses i believe u dont no the a. its asses i believe u dont no the a. its asses
dont know dont care
She used to be but is now married. IT IS HER CHOICE!!!! I would take publicity to court if i was her
Frankly my Dear, I dont give a damn
"Frankly my dear, I dont give a damn!"
frankly... you know in the phrase 'frankly i dont care' < haha!
i frankly dont know but i recon you should find out i frankly dont know but i recon you should find out
I dont know and quite frankly i dont care
i dont think so... it has natural incredients
Your question is unclear in the fact that you dont tell what "what" means so frankly it can't be answered.
In the tv series it is chuck bass but i dont know who in the books
Who gives a damn I give a damn, lucky someone put this up so i thought i would look at it to help me with my history homework, so if your gonna put worthless comments dont bother.
I'm not the one to answer these questions damn. dont you ge it?
I dont know the answer im trying to find the answer ughh damn theses stupid websites!!!
the sum ofsomething in math mean well frankly i dont know because it wont tell me on this site!