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hoagy carmichael

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Q: Did Edgar Stardust Hayes in fact compose Stardust?
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Why does Holden admire Edgar?

The fact that Edgar breaks wind during a boring assembly lecture.

What inspired Debussy to compose the Preludes?

The fact that they all have names should answer this question.

Does The End of Anubis negate Stardust Dragon's effect?

As a matter of fact, yes. The end of Anubis does negate Stardust Dragon's effect as long as he is on the field. Since Stardust Dragon's effect activates in the graveyard, and The End of Anubis' effect states "Monster cards that designate a card(s) in the graveyard or activate in the graveyard are negated."

How do you get TCG exclusive cards in Stardust Accelerator?

Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship 2009: Stardust Acceleratordoes not contain any TCG exclusive cards. In fact, many cards in the game are OCG exclusive still, as they have yet to be released in the TCG.

Did Edgar Allan Poe like the army?

No, Edgar Allan Poe did not like the Army. In fact, he sent a letter to his foster father asking him to help with getting him out his five-year service.

Did Mozart compose for anybody?

yes, many people, namely the pope at the time and the emperor of austria. he also composed for famous families who paid for him to compose pieces for them. he was also comissioned to compose things such as operas for theaters by the monach of that country. his last piece, the requiem mass in d minor, was in fact comissioned by a widower for his dead wife, not by Salieri, as is most thought.

What does it mean when people say everything is made out of stardust?

When people say everything is made out of stardust, they are referring to the fact that all elements on Earth, including the ones that make up our bodies, were formed in the cores of stars through nuclear fusion. This cosmic origin connects us to the universe at a fundamental level.

What is a fun fact about Rutherford B. Hayes?

As a young man, decided to stop laughing so he would seem more serious.

Is it true that vampires are much skinner then when they where humans?

No. In fact there are a few stories ('The Shunned House' by Edgar Allan Poe) in which the vampire is a Bloated beast.

Is the city in the sea a form poem?

Yes, the poem 'The City in The Sea' is in fact a form poem. This poem was written by Edgar Allan Poe.

What opportunities did Edgar the Athling have in1066?

Prince Edgar the Ætheling's claim was that he was the closest blood relative to King Edward. In fact, apart from Edgar there were no other male members of the House of Wessex (the royal family) alive in 1066. Edgar was the great-nephew of Edward the Confessor. Harold II may have been descended in the male line from Æthelræd I, King of Wessex (865-871AD) but this has never been proved.

What is the of the tell-tale heart?

AnswerIt is how the old man is scared and Edgar Allan Poe is paranoid. He is frightened by the fact that the old man might kill him.