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According to Murray's attorney (and Murray) Murray met Jackson in January 2006 but that can't be correct because Michael was still in Bahrain at that time. Murray really met Michael in January 2008 while living in LV, but THAT version doesn't suit Murray's timeline.

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15y ago

Well he gave him the propofol which ended up killing him so technically he kinda of contributed to his death, even if it was just an accident, if he did something on purpose, well that's just too horrible to think about.

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14y ago

Yes and no he liked it because not only was he getting paid a lot but him and m.j was friends No because he had to give his friend these heavy drugs which he was trying to ease Michael off of which is why m.j had so many drugs in his body when he died

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13y ago

According to TMZ:

"Conrad Murray [was] (born February 19, 1953 in St. Andrews, Grenada)..."

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13y ago

Although they first met around 2006/2007, he only became Michael's personal doctor in early 2009, and worked for him for Michael for a maximum of 5-6 months.

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He was never actually arrested as he voluntarily handed himself over the police, on February 8th 2011.

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Q: Did Dr.Conrad Murray kill Michael Jackson?
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The police investigation is not complete yet. But, according to CNN they're only looking at Dr. Murray as he may have administered Diprivan (propofol) in the last 24hrs of Michael Jackson's life which supposedly killed him. Diprivan is an anesthetic administered intravenously for surgeries only and MUST only be used in a hospital environment.