It was the Emperor (Senator Palpatine), at the end of SW3, who purposely (and incorrectly) told Anakin Skywalker, now Darth Vader, that he had killed Padme'. His one biggest fear was not being able to save her as he had not been able to save his mother - Senator Palpatine used this knowledge to further induce fear and hate within Anakin (Remember Yoda's warning to young Anakin in the Council chamber in SW1 when he tell Anaking that fear leads to suffering, and by implication ultimately the Dark Side) to push him further into the Dark Side. The reason for Palpatine's actions was to further increase his anger, psychological vulnerability and fear, the things that the Emperor needed to both increase Darth Vader's power, and to further control him. By sinking to the depths of despair, Vader wasn't able to overcome the Emperor's hold on him until Luke pleaded with him in SW6 to save him from being killed. Having known by now that Palpatine had lied to him about Padme' to gain further control over him, and with the Emperor fully focused on overcoming Luke's power and killing him, in that moment Darth Vader realized that he had now the power to save his son and destroy the Emperor, and in doing so turned back to the good side, ultimately validating Padme's belief in him before she died.
Anakin was only angry at PadmeAt the end of Star Wars 3, we can tell he did not mean for it to happen because he screams, "No!" And he takes out his anger on medical droids who re-built him.Well, yes. He used the Force to kill her. But let it go...
If you listen carefully, when Padme is on the bed giving birth, the medical droid states that we are losing her for reasons uknown to them. When Padme was talking to Anakin before Obi Wan showed up, she stated that " you are breaking my heart". The reason Padme died was through a broken heart, which the medical droids could not comprehend, and obviously not just them.
Sadly, yes she does in Revenge of the Sith. She dies because Anakin turns on her and it breaks her heart. She lives long enough to have Luke and Leia. I personally do not accept this ending because Padme was such a strong character and the planet on which she died had cloners on it. Who knows?
Anakin Skywalker injures his pregnant wife in a fit of rage. She did not die at that time, but is taken to a medical facility where she gives birth to Leia and Luke. It seems that her disappointment in her beloved Anakin exacerbates the strain of delivery and kills her. The medical droid states that she has lost her will to live.
Anakin is a jedi and Padme is a senator. They are married.
Anakin Force Choked Padme because he thought Padme bought Obi Wan to Kill him. He saw Obi Wan coming out of Padme's ship
A remembren / membromal.
Yes, between padme and anakin a little
Anakin has visions of Padme dying in childbirth. He has already lost his mother, so when Chancellor Palpatine reveals himself to be a Sith Lord and promises to teach Anakin how to stop people from dying, the young Jedi turns to the Dark Side in hopes of saving Padme.
Out of frustration when Padme arrived on the plant Mustafa, Anakin went to greet her and noticed she had brought Obi-Wan Kenobi. Anakin says "You brought him here to kill me". and so outraged he knew that Padme couldn't defend herself so took out his rage on her
Yes! :)
Anakin became Darth Vader, so the one Padme loved was lost to the Dark Side. She fully recoved from being choked, but still died from a broken heart. **More specifically she died during the birth of Luke and Leia, but was weakened significantly by Anakin's betrayal and also the exhaustion of childbirth.
Sort of. Anakin killed Padme by using the Force and choking her. He did this because, when he saw Obi-Wan with her in her shuttle, he thought she betrayed him by telling Obi-Wan they were married. Anakin let his anger get the better of him, causing him to loose the one thing he loved most... Padme. Actually, he didn't. He let go of her in time for her to survive. It was the fact that Anakin had become a Sith that killed, Padme died of a broken heart and sadness. And she died after the birth of her two twins, Leia and Luke Skywalker.
If you are referring to Luke Skywalker, his mother is Queen Amidala / Padme'.
Padme Amidala
anakin turned evil in search of power to protect padme.
Anakin and Padme got married at the lake retreat on the planet Naboo.
It was on Padme's homeworld of Naboo at Lake City.
Anakin is a jedi and Padme is a senator. They are married.
Upon returning home from the war front, Anakin is greeted with the news from Padmé that she is pregnant.