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Yes, between padme and anakin a little

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Q: Is there romance in star war the clone wars?
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What episode on star war the clone wars is Jaybo Hood featured in?

The third one

Yoda announces the beginning of what at the end of Star Wars Episode II - Attack of the Clones?

He announced the beginning of the Clone Wars. Remember he said: "Begun the Clone War has."

What are the best mods for foc?

These mods are known for the quality (good textures/appearances) and quantity (lots of new stuff). RAW (Republic at war) ORAW (Old Republic at War) Star wars the Clone Wars mod Campaign Commander

Did JarJar Binks ever die in the Star Wars Universe?

It is not known what came of Jar Jar Binks' fate in the Star Wars Universe, especially after Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith. If we go with non-canon sources, he is still alive following the events of Star Wars: Return of the Jedi.

Star wars battlefront2 how to use anakin vs obi-wan?

When playing Star Wars Battlefront II, if you want to re-create your own Obi-wan vs. Anakin, then you have to play on Mustafar.You think it would make more sense if the clone wars option featured this, but that option will get you Obi-wan vs. Darth Maul.However, if you do the Galactic Civil War option on Mustafar, you will be able to play as Obi-wan as the hero for the Rebels and Anakin as the "hero" for the Empire.Why they did it this way, I do not know, but there you go.btw, Battlefront II is one of THE best games to play over an over again

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How do you get anikin on Lego star war 3 clone wars?

to get anakin you go explore the galaxy.Look for character buys. Then do one that has an anakin projecting.THAT IS HOW YOU GET ANAKIN IN LEGO STAR WARS 3 THE CLONE WARS BETA.

Why haven't they made a clone wars version of Star Wars empire of war?

George Lucas did not have enough time

When Star Wars the clone wars started?

The Clone Wars began in 22 BBY (before the Battle of Yavin in "A New Hope"). The war lasted for around 3-5 years.

What are the release dates for Star Wars The Clone Wars - 2008 The Soft War 5-4?

Star Wars The Clone Wars - 2008 The Soft War 5-4 was released on: Canada: 19 October 2012 USA: 20 October 2012 Germany: 14 April 2013

What episode on star war the clone wars is Jaybo Hood featured in?

The third one

What war came first on Star Wars?

The first war shown in the movies the Clone Wars. In the expanded universe the first war on record is Unification Wars, which created the Republic.

Yoda announces the beginning of what at the end of Star Wars Episode II - Attack of the Clones?

He announced the beginning of the Clone Wars. Remember he said: "Begun the Clone War has."

What are the release dates for Star Wars The Clone Wars - 2008 A War on Two Fronts 5-2?

Star Wars The Clone Wars - 2008 A War on Two Fronts 5-2 was released on: Canada: 5 October 2012 USA: 6 October 2012 Germany: 7 April 2013

Which star war movie was general grevious in?

The ones I know are episode three and the clone wars.

Is there a website that star wars as a online war with plants a wepions?

You should try the Game Clone Wars Adventures its like your description.

What does perfect deflect do in LEGO Star Wars?

Any bullet that hit you will just bounce off a person who shot you will die.Used in "Lego Star Wars: Complete Saga", "Lego Star Wars: Clone War"

What was star war hro obi wan kennobis rank in the clone wars?

Obi-Wan Kenobi was a High General