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In music, dynamics normally refers to the volume of a sound or note, but can also refer to every aspect of the execution of a given piece, either stylistic (staccato, legato etc.) or functional (velocity). The term is also applied to the written or printed musical notation used to indicate dynamics. Dynamics do not indicate specific volume levels, but are meant to be played with reference to the ensemble as a whole.

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Between the softest and loudest part in music you find the dynamics. Playing louder means a crescendo and playing softer means a decrescendo.

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It all depends on what octave u want 2 play. Music can be loud and soft.

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14y ago

It is called the dynamics of sound. For instance, a sound between 100dB (loud) and 30dB (quiet) would have a dynamic range of 60dB; the difference between the two extremes.

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The answer is called dynamics

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Q: What is the loudness and softness in music?
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What is the degree of loudness or softness at which music is played is called?

Dynamics are the volume and tones in music. It can either represent volume or refer to aspects of the music. It can also apply to the written musical notations. The two basic categories are either piano z(soft) or forte (loud).

In music a sound that has a definite pitch is called what?

A sound that has a definite pitch is called a tone. A tone can be characterized based on loudness or intensity, timbre or quality, pitch, and duration.

Which term refers to how loud or quiet the music is?

dynamics, crescendo and decrescendo. The volumes are ppp ( p = piano, also known as soft and very quiet ), pp, and p ( amount of P's depend on how low and soft the music writer wants it; maximum is usually three ). And fff ( f = forte, means loud depending on how many forte marks. Then there'll be mp and mf, which means the loudest for the piano and the softest for the forte.

A gradual decrease in loudness is known as?

A gradual decrease in loudness is known as either a decrescendo (dee-cress-SHEN-doe) or a diminuendo(dim-in-you-EN-doe). These can be abbreviated as decresc.and dim. respectively and are often shown as a stretched-out > sign.

What does a dynamic marking mean....for piano.?

pp - pianissimo - very soft p - piano - soft mp - mezzo-piano - medium-soft mf - mezzo-forte - medium-loud f- forte - loud ff - fortissimo - very loud cresc. - crescendo - get louder decresc. - decrescendo - get softer sf - sforzando - sudden accent sfp - sforzando-piano - sudden accent and sudden piano

Related questions

What is the degree of loudness or softness at which music is played is called?

Dynamics are the volume and tones in music. It can either represent volume or refer to aspects of the music. It can also apply to the written musical notations. The two basic categories are either piano z(soft) or forte (loud).

Is it true that Dynamics denotes the degree of loudness or softness at which music is played?

Yes, it tells you how hard or soft to play the music

What is the softness and loudness of music?

Softness in music refers to low volume, gentle dynamics, and a soothing quality. Loudness, on the other hand, refers to high volume, strong dynamics, and a powerful quality. These elements contribute to the overall emotional impact and intensity of a musical piece.

In musical terminology the loudness or softness of sound is refer ed to as its dynamics. Select one True False?

True. Dynamics in music refer to the varying levels of loudness and softness in a musical performance. It is an important aspect of musical expression that adds depth and emotion to the music.

What is the musical term that describes the loudness or softness of a sound?

The musical term that describes the loudness or softness of a sound is dynamics.

What is the loudness or the softness of sound?

intensity :)

What is the loudness or softness?

Basically it is amplitude.

What element of music denotes its loudness or softness?

texture=amount of layers of music Timbre:what instruments are playing :)

What does vloume mean in musical terms?

Volume is the intensity of loudness or softness that a musician plays a passage or a single note of music.

What is call of loudness or softness of a sound?


The loudness or softness in music is called what?

It can be called dynamic level, loudness or volume. It is correlated with what is called the amplitude of the sound waves the musical instruments produce.

Which component of the sound wave determines the loudness or softness of a tone?

The amplitude of a sound wave determines the loudness or softness of a tone. A higher amplitude corresponds to a louder sound, while a lower amplitude results in a softer sound.