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Q: Craft of putting together sounds to create a musical work?
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When specific pitches and sounds are put together in a pattern what are they called?

When specific pitches and sounds are structured together in a pattern, they are referred to as a musical composition or a piece of music. This organization of sounds can create melodies, harmonies, and rhythms that make up the overall structure of the piece.

How many violin strings are needed to make a musical composition?

To create a musical composition with a violin, only one string is ultimately necessary. You can create enough sounds with one string that you can create a composition with only one.

How are musical sounds amplified?

how are musical sounds amplfied

What is soothing consonance of many sound called?

The soothing consonance of many sounds is called harmony. Harmony occurs when different musical notes are played or sung together to create a pleasing effect.

What might cause someone to describe a line of poetry as musical?

Repetition of sounds that create a feeling of forward motion

What are some examples of sounds in nature that are musical?

Examples of musical sounds in nature include birds singing, waves crashing against the shore, and wind blowing through trees. These natural sounds often create harmonious melodies that can be considered soothing or calming to the listener.

To create fresh sounds twentieth century composers used what techniques?

The use of sounds created electronically was often used. Electronic sounds could not be produced using conventional musical instruments.

Which states name sounds like a musical instrument?

The state that sounds like a musical instrument is Oregon.

Which state sounds like a musical instrument?

The state that sounds like a musical instrument is Oregon.

What makes musical sounds?

All Musical Instruments do.

What does the name Shamia mean?

Shamia is not a legitimate name. It was made up by putting sounds together so there is no meaning.

What is so special about the Amadeus Band?

The band Amadeus are special because of their unique sounds they use a combinations of synths and different musical modulation techniques to create unusual sounds. They originate from Serbia.