American werewolf in Paris
It also could be American werewolf in London.
jail bait is a movie title that starts with the letter "J".
Nails is the title of a 2017 horror movie.
A proper noun is the name or title of a specific person, place, or thing.Examples of proper nouns for the common noun 'movie star' are:Tom Hanks, American movie star;Movie Star, Inc. (trucking company) in Poplarville, MS;"Grown Up Movie Star" (2009 movie)
Ride the Wild Surf is the title of a 1964 beach movie.
depends what kind of werewolf. If you want the old fason werewolf than these might be good titles:Full MoonBeasts in the Night/Beasts of the NightMan v.s. Wolfbut if you want Twilight kind of werewolves than i dont know sorry.
Could you be referring to 'Gingersnaps'
American Beauty American Me The Last American Virgin An American Werewolf in Paris American Shaolin
Apollo specialist
101 Dalmatians (1961).
American pie ?
"American Pie" is the title of a movie.
American Pie
Ricky Bobby
The official title is:What's Eating Gilbert Grape.
The movie "The Big Bus" is American comedy movie.