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depends what kind of werewolf. If you want the old fason werewolf than these might be good titles:

  • Full Moon
  • Beasts in the Night/Beasts of the Night
  • Man v.s. Wolf

but if you want Twilight kind of werewolves than i dont know sorry.

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Q: What is a good title for a book about werewolves?
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What would be a good title for a book about werewolves?

You're going about this backwards, I'm afraid. The title comes last, after you've finished your story or paper or book or poem. You must use what you wrote to find the right title.Here are some further instructions to help you out:Nonfiction TitlesFiction Titles

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the title is called this book is not good for you

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Use whatever title you want to -- you are the author! Titles are the least important part of your book.

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There are some good werewolves and some bad ones too. But if you put the answer like this "Werewolves don't exist" then that's not an answer!!!! But it's true that werewolves don't exist.

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Could you be referring to 'Gingersnaps'

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