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Sarah- the heroine in the story who wishes her brother away

Jareth- the villain, the Goblin King who takes Sarah's brother

Toby- Sarah's brother who is wished away

Merlin- Sarah's dog

Hoggle- Sarah's first acquaintance in the labyrinth and a dwarf who is grumpy

Ludo- a furry monster that is very gentle and childlike

Sir Didymus- A fox-like creature. He is a knight.

Ambrosius- Sir Didymus's dog

The Fireys (or the fire gang)- group of monsters in the forest that like to play games that involve removing body parts

The ruse- the two doors that Sarah must answer a riddle to get through, gaurded by dog like creatures

Helping hands- Sarah falls through a trap door and are helped by disembodied hands

The false alarms- While Sarah is in the tunnel, they try to misdirect her

The humungous- the giant metal machine that tries to stop Sarah and her friends at the gate

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Q: Characters names in the labyrinth movie?
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