Pans Labyrinth.
If you are reffering to Labyrinth with David Bowie then 1986.
The part of the baby in the movie "Bundle Of Joy" was said to have been played by twin boys: Donald and David Gray.
maybe Labyrinth
No, there are three 'dog' characters in the movie Labyrinth. Merlin/Ambrosious, and Sir Didymous. I believe the movie you are thinking of is The Never Ending Story, it has a Luck Dragon named Falcor that resembles a giant flying dog.
His name is David Bowie, he also played Jareth the Goblin King in the movie Labyrinth.
Jennifer connelly
Yes, Sarah does find recover her baby brother Toby.
David Bowie played Jareth the Goblin King in the 1986 film Labyrinth
No. But there is a Manga (Japanese comic book) called Return to the Labyrinth staring the now 15 year old Toby (baby from movie) continuing the story.
The movie Labyrinth was released in 1986 and was directed by Jim Henson. Jareth is played by David Bowie and 15 year old Sarah is played by Jennifer Connelly.
Jim Henson
No, there are no plans to make a second Labyrinth movie.
No, a part 2 was never made for the movie Labyrinth. However a Japanese Manga was written called 'Return To Labyrinth.'
The creators of the film are currently working on the sequal to The Dark Crystal. They have said that when they were done they would consider a sequal to Labyrinth. For an unnofficial sequal look for "Return to the Labyrinth" a manga book series by TokyoPop
Labyrinth in 1602 is a game played on the Minecraft server.
Toby is Sarah's younger brother who gets wished away in Labyrinth