Fanmail for Patti LaBelle can be sent to the following address:
Patti Labelle
Patti LaBelle Foods
2320 Norman Road
Lancaster PA 17601-5960
Patti Russo's email address is not known to the public since he has never shared it.
I know that there are a lot of fansites, like, and you can write her fan mail, but I would imagine that she is too busy to respond back to any of her letters.
if you write fan mail to Ariana grande she will write back she is very sweet and she wants to show how she is about her fans that she loves them
Actor Orlando Bloom actually does have a fan mail address for fans to send him letters. The address and guidelines can be found at
Contact his agent
Patti Russo's email address is not known to the public since he has never shared it.
It's called fan mail fan letters
How long dose it take to get fan letters
Write to the player you are a fan of and see if they respond. The more famous the player the more likely they will not respond personally but have a secretary will do it for them if they respond at all. You will not know until you try
i havent got a single clue
but the best fan is n.d.m
Yes she did get fan letters!
Those letters will spell ceiling fan.
Justin Berber write fan mile
50/50 chance she will or won't!it may depend on what she's doing.I'm a HUGE Selena fan and I sent her a note a week ago but I didn't hear back from herbut good luck!!!
Fan letters can be sent to the following addresses for the singers: Aretha Franklin ICM Partners 10250 Constellation Blvd 9th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90067-6209 USA Tina Turner Kaspar M. Fleischmann Algonquin Seestrasse 180 8700 Küsnacht Switzerland