he has no specific place to send fan mail to, you will have to go to one of his concerts
The fan mail address to send mail to the remaining members of the group, TLC is; TLC Fan Mail, PO BOX 20074, Atlanta, GA 30325.
you can find Selena's email and then post your video when you send it!!!!
You can send her fanmail by e-mail, through her website, http://www.mariska.com/
you can send fanmail to fanmail@calvinised.com They make sure all your mail will be forwarded.
Jackie Chan has an official Twitter account (twitter.com/eyeofjackiechan?lang=en) and an official Facebook page (facebook.com/jackie) where you can post messages or you can send a letter to the fan mail address.
Children would send letters in the mail to Father Christmas.
I would like to send detail by e-mail, provided i hav e-mail address. Thanks
You would need to pay for a Service that would send a Email with a File that large.
I am unable to send you a check in the mail.
You would right click on it and select 'send to'. Then choose mail recipient.
he has no specific place to send fan mail to, you will have to go to one of his concerts
<a href="mailto:yourname@doman.com">Send email</a> When a user clicks on "Send email" their default mail client will pop us with your email address in their "To" field so they can send an email.
Since a passport is a very important document, people often prefer to send them by registered mail. However, even if you just mail it the same way you would mail anything else, there are excellent chances that it will still arrive. I have found the mail to be generally reliable.
It depends on the Class You Send It By and when the person replys
To send Tom Holland fan mail, go to tomholland.net and it will show you where you can send your fan mail.
can I send hair spray through the mail