You can put whatever name you choose to put on the badge, as long it isn't something that shouldn't be there...aka. cuss words, sex words, etc.
My real name is Hannah and I use Koneko-chan and illbiteu2death, it really just depends on what you want to use.
Try to go to different anime boards and asking people based on the description of the anime. Or you can also google specific names of the characters that popped up in the anime.
Fruits Basket
Well any R rated yaoi anime (cant think of any particular names right now) or hentai...
Umm.... this guy scares me but okay... If you're just looking for anime porn (weird..) just search "Hentai" in google.
You will find a large list of Anime Conventions at
the boys like real names from there nicknames
theres no reason for any names for badges realy.
Boku no Pico
Try to go to different anime boards and asking people based on the description of the anime. Or you can also google specific names of the characters that popped up in the anime.
It would be impossible to name them all. There are ones run by the anime producers. There are fan-based, anime episode, and merchandise websites.
anime is a Japanese movie, so the characters' names were originally Japanese translated into English by how they sound and people try to make the same sound using the alphabet in English.
Vampire Knight? U still want characters' names?
Some names or nicknames that rhyme with “Sue” are Lou, Drew, and Rue.
Sakura Yuki, Rika, Yui, Ichigo, Hana These names are very common in anime