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Q: What are some good anime wolf names?
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What are the names of the wolves on wolf rain?

In the anime series "Wolf's Rain" the names of each wolf is Kiba - Tsume - Hige - Toboe - Cheza and Blue .

Is there good werewolf anime or manga and not just some lame supernatural anime with some werewolves in it Im talking about an anime with a werewolf as a main character kinda like big wolf on campus?

Wolfsrain trust me its an awsome show i personaly loved it.

Is the show wolf's rain a good show?

If you like crappy Anime. I personally hat anime but have seen it. Comparable to Inyuyasha

Is there any good anime with wolves in it?

Wolf's Rain , Princess Mononoke , Ginga Densetsu Weed , Spice and Wolf , Inuyasha ,

What are the names of the wolf anime shows?

Oh yes there is and it sure is great older but not too old to have crappy animations the name of this wonderful anime is Wolf's Rain.... straying.. straying.. ahem sorry lve the anime :D ~mechtomagic

What are some good lone wolf names?

Dusty-Thrift-Tumbleweed-Echo...or simply Loner.

Is there a wolf demon anime?

Anime's that feature a wolf demon would be Inuyasha and its spin-offs, Spice and wolf might be similar enough with a wolf deity.

What are good names for a timber wolf Webkinz?


What anime is horo in?

Spice and Wolf

When was the anime Wolf's Rain made?

The anime series "Wolf's Rain" first aired from January 6, 2003 to July 29, 2003 .

What is that anime with the wolf girl with red stripes on her face wearing fur on her back?

Check out the anime movie "Wolf Children" its got a wolf girl and a boy, I recommend it.

What are some unique beautiful names for a she wolf?
