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No, not your actual channel but you can to your videos.

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Q: Can you use itunes music for a you-tube video?
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I have 2 folders 1 called itunes and the other itunes music. itunes contains 3 folders 1 data 1 music library and the itunes music folder containing 15.9GB of music. Do I need both folders?

If I read this right 'itunes' is a high level folder containing three folders,one of which contains 16Gb of music. The purpose 'itunes' serves is to keep the three folders together. Without it the other three folders will be listed in alphabetical order in the next highest folder. Think of 'Itunes' as a sock drawer. Open the drawer and you have socks. Now empty all the drawers in the house into a big box. Give it a shake, now pick out your favourite socks. If it were me, as 'itunes' is keeping the music and associated files together, and taking up no real disc space, I would either leave it alone, or lose it and make the data and library folders sub-folders of the 'itunes music' folder. Don't worry about associating/re-assigning the folders to applications, Windows registry should sort that out (assuming a Windows OS in use).

Is it safe to post a video on YouTube?

Yes, it is safe to post a video on YouTube. If you choose to post a video, always use the unlisted option so that only logged in users can view your video. You may also want to disable comments on your unlisted video.

What is the definition of recording arts?

Recording arts is the use of video or audio equipment to record the performance of an art like writing, music, or art.

How do you bypass locked music on Apple Music?

That's easy! You just need a professional tool to remove the DRM-protection format from Apple songs. Just try Tunelf Apple Music Converter! Very useful to convert Apple Music to MP3 or other popular audio formats. Besides, it can also tackle the conversion of three kinds of audio files, including Apple Music, iTunes Music, and Audible audiobooks.

How do you make a YouTube channel name?

Is easy .you can start here below: All in one youtube marketing,promotion,subscribtion,trending, htt p://bit. ly/3qZ3UtG (remove space between [htt] and [ly] skip ads)

Related questions

Is there a way to get music on your iPod without itunes?

yeah,you can use youtube/mp3 converter which saves the sound of a youtube video then u can sync it onto ur ipod:)

Do you have to use iTunes to get music on your iPhone?

No. Third party apps from the App Store may allow users to access music and related content on an iPhone without actually using iTunes. The YouTube app may allow users to listen to music that has been uploaded to YouTube in video form.

Can you listen to a song on iTunes without paying for it?

Unfortunately, iTunes and most other music distribution services only allow you to listen to a preview clip of each song. To hear the song in its entirety, you can see if there is a music video on YouTube, or use an internet streaming music service such as Pandora, Spotify, or iTunes radio.

How do you download music from YouTube on your iPod?

One method is to use zamzar. Put the web address in there, chose the format you want it in and it will send it to your email account. Then you download it and put it on your ipod through iTunes.

Is there a fee for watching mp3 music videos?

No, you can use youtube to watch many music videos. You can also download videos from bitorrent websites. The only fee you have to pay is if you buy a video from itunes.

Why can't you get Apple iTunes to play videos?

Apple's iTunes software is for music, not video!Use the appropriate video player software if you want to play a video.

How do you put music in your YouTube videos?

Putting music in your YouTube video is very simple. It is best to know the specifics of how copyright laws work. You can use music for personal use, for example for YouTube videos or for a school project. But you cannot use copyrighted music for commercial use, unless you have the rights. One way is to search for free music that is available in the public domain. You may also want to purchase a copy of the track you need from a digital music provider. Then, simply upload your video and add the music in the editing stage. You can also purchase background music from a company, they will search for appropriate music in their catalog and set the track as the background music of your YouTube video.

What is a good website for music download?

use to download the song off youtube, download the mp4 version and move it to itunes. most likely it will register as a movie, so go to options and change it to music video

How do you put songs on Bebo?

put a music video into your video box... i use URL's from youtube

What is traditional music of Germany?

There are many ways to promote music video. You should have a plan for your marketing campaign. If you have a great video, you can use the following ways for your music video promotion: 1. Post it on YouTube or Vimeo. 2. Submit your video to YouTube and Vimeo, which can help your video get featured. 3. Submit your video to sites like Reddit, Tumblr, StumbleUpon, and Digg etc. 4. Use Facebook and Twitter to promote your music video. 5. Use YouTube, Vimeo, and Facebook to promote your video. 6. Use email marketing to promote your video.

Is it legal to post a video a video on YouTube and it have an iTunes song in it?

It is illegal to redistribute material for which you do not hold distribution rights. When you buy a song from iTunes it is for your own use; you are not allowed to copy it and sell it or give it away in any form. YouTube does have licensing agreements with some music distributors so when you upload a video it will be scanned to see if there is copyright material within the video; you will be notified if you have copyrighted material in your video. It may be that the copyright owner will let it stay on YouTube but add some advertisements to the video, or they may have the video removed or it may be available to view in some countries but not in others because YouTube has no distribution deal for that country.

Can you use music in a youtube video if you paid for it?

No; you need a specific license allowing that type of use.