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If I read this right 'iTunes' is a high level folder containing three folders,one of which contains 16Gb of music. The purpose 'itunes' serves is to keep the three folders together. Without it the other three folders will be listed in alphabetical order in the next highest folder. Think of 'Itunes' as a sock drawer. Open the drawer and you have socks. Now empty all the drawers in the house into a big box. Give it a shake, now pick out your favourite socks. If it were me, as 'itunes' is keeping the music and associated files together, and taking up no real disc space, I would either leave it alone, or lose it and make the data and library folders sub-folders of the 'itunes music' folder. Don't worry about associating/re-assigning the folders to applications, Windows registry should sort that out (assuming a Windows OS in use).

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Q: I have 2 folders 1 called itunes and the other itunes music. itunes contains 3 folders 1 data 1 music library and the itunes music folder containing 15.9GB of music. Do I need both folders?
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Who sings a song called Monster?

There are currently several songs titled 'Monster'. So it'd probably be best so to Google a little of the song lyrics. If you try searching a particular lyric in quotation marks (for example "what's that coming over the hill") into Google, the search engines should recognize the lyrics and give you a bunch of possibilities. Some bands that have released songs called Monster are: Skillet (a Christian rock band) has a song called Monster. Meg & Dia and contains the lyrics "His little whispers, love me, love me." The Automatic and is more popular, containing the lyrics, "what's that coming over the hill? Is it a monster?". There are also songs called Monster by Disturbed, Abandoned Pools and Lil Wayne.

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Elizaberth Morgan cooper was a mathematican who wrote an unpublished text called "Letters to Anne" containing letters to a child named Anne teaching Algevra from an informal point of veiw.

Is there a movie containing the word babushka or babooshka?

Don't know but there is a song called Babooshka by Kate Bush about a woman who wears a disguise to pick up her husband to test his loyalty if that's anything to do with a film.

What movie contains the giant android baby called the infantaloid?

The film was called Elliptical Horizon, and was one of two short films by Ian Brecht in the late 1970's. It was created when Brecht was a student in southern California.

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