Not usually and when you do think you notice something it ends up being your period. Some not so known signs are loss of balance, like one time before I realized I was pregnant I was walking down a hall and walked into the wall beside me. Feeling faint is often a early sign. The best time to tell that you are pregnant from a home pregnancy test is the day before or the day of your expected period. At that point most tests are about 99% accuate.
Maybe, time will tell.
yes,unless you don't have a heart of love for that girl but take this advice,if you are not matured enough don't get a girl pregnant. If what you mean is, can they tell when they are having sex with a girl, if it got her pregnant that particular time, the answer is no.
Dog days are over by Florence and the machine love this song!
Stanley tells blanche that stella is pregnant.
well she does look it ! Or sometimes some ladies have stomach abs but 9 times out of 10 i think she is pregnant . - 9/12/11
It takes a few days to get pregnant so the test wont be reliable until after 10-14 days.
You can take the test 10-14 days after sex.
it is so deficult to women to be pregnant after 10 days after birth as her hormonal staus at this period do not enable her to be pregnant but the most famus cases of women that get pregnant after 40 days from birht
No you can not. It takes about 3 days to get pregnant and a test is not reliable until 2 weeks after sex.
maybeh shes skipping, but shes probably pregnant
You can take a pregnancy test, which will tell you if you got pregnant ten days ago or more.
You should be able to tell from a home pregnancy test when you are fourteen days (two weeks) pregnant.
No, but a pregnancy test can.
Okay first of all how did you get pregnant at 10?
You can't; You will need to wait 14 days after intercourse to determine if you are pregnant.
7-10 days after your last period started
You can get pregnant anytime. Your chances are increased when you're ovulating.