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Yes you can but you will need machines that cost over 5,000$ You can make paper bakugans but that will be hard.

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Q: Can you make your own bakugans?
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How do you make the g points on a bakugans?

You need to use airbrush

Who owns the best Bakugan?

The Maxus Bakugans are the strongest and many thousands own them. Like me .

Do you have bakugans?

yes i have 684 most of them are the 8 trap bakugans and the reat are round

Can you use different types of bakugans in one team?

Yes, you can. A team is 3 bakugans of any type.

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Can you buy bakugans?


Do bakugans really exist?

no they don't

Where can you find bakugans in Egypt?

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Are bakugans for nerds?

YES!!! unles you are a girl

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