Depends on several factors:
Number of stab(s)
Location of stab(s)
Depth of stab(s)
Intensity/Passion to exit (Leave the Living world)
These will all determine if you'll die in minutes or stay in excruciating agony before your demise.
Saesee Tiin dies because when Mace Windu and fellow jedi including Saesee Tiin go to arrest chancellor palpatine, palpatine stabs him in the neck after stabbing Agen kolar in the stomach.
Andrey Kadetov died in 24 December 2010 of murdered by stabbing.
Charla Sampsel died on June 12, 2006, in Reno, Nevada, USA of stabbing.
He died of stomach cancer in 1960.
She was killed by clones by being shot through the stomach or chest.
Maybe if your stabbing yourself with the ink pen and then at the worst maybe get some kind of infection, but highly doubt you would die.
Do not kill yourself! Stabbing in the heart can give you serious injuries
yes and no it depends on what you are stabbing them with and where your stabbing them. for example when you stab them in the stomach, heart, head or other places that have major organs the person is likely to die. but if it's in the leg or other unmajor places the person is likely to live.
Yes you can but it depends where. If its throught your Lungs,heart,head or any important organs you will die but if its in your arm leg or something else you will just get seriously injured.
Stabbing yourself is not good for your health.
Alot, i wouldn't recommend it.
There are many places where one can see a video of Save Yourself by Stabbing Westward. These places include Amazon instant videos, YouTube, and Netflix.
Stabbing Westward
You are close to birth, you should be discussing the pain with your doctor.
Saesee Tiin dies because when Mace Windu and fellow jedi including Saesee Tiin go to arrest chancellor palpatine, palpatine stabs him in the neck after stabbing Agen kolar in the stomach.
There is no real cause for hair falling out when you stab yourself. If you feel like stabbing yourself, you should seek help from family and friends.
In Act 5 Scene 3 after stabbing herself.