now i don't want t answer it but since i no the answer i will yes to kids under 12 can have a child if the girl has had a period is not on it but is ovulating and then boy does not wear protection when they have $ex oh and the whole reason u get pregnant is by having sex you have to have $ex to get pregnant and if u do have $ex get pregnant u better make sure that if u keep the kid u don't ruin its life like u ruined urs because a child is a huge responce ablity and if ur under 12 let it get adopted because if it has parents under twelve then that will be one messed up up baby but i would like to see a pregnant 11-12 year old so i can say i told u,u shouldn't have had $ex but does any one listen no u just gotta have fun don't u but don't ruin ur life with a small child but the best part is cing its face if u already r pregnant because it is something u created and if u hold it for more than 2 minute i promise u will fall in love with it
the scouts???????????/
Kid Buu is about 3 feet tall I think
A 12 year old kid from Bowling Green, Kentucky.
maybe about two
He has 2 children: son Zak (1/1971) daughter Kerry (12/1972)
a kid is anyone under the age of 18 or sometimes 12....
midnight kid site
because they wanted to hide away from the ghost and the film was really scary.If you are a little kid you shouldn't have watched because it is for people which are 12 and over
can children under 12 take rennies
November 1 at 12:00pm
Needle cricothyroidotomy is the only form of this procedure that can be done in children under 12 years of age.
Kid over the age of 12 are allowed to use the facilities with the permission of a parent or gardian who has signed them up for membership. Children under the age of 12 are not allowed to use the machines
no, but kids under 12 are recommended to have a parent's consult
Sky Runners is more appropriate for children 12 and over. It would not be recommended for children under the age of 12.
NO, he has had 12 children to 13 women.
Not really, depending on how mature your kid is. I'd recommend it for 12 and up.