yes they can see see boggarts i believe even muggle can i think your thinking of dementors and squibs can't see them but know when they are close becasue of there effects
There is nobody named Lesley Manville in the Harry Potter universe
Filch. Squibs are people who had magical parents but arent magical themselves. Harry found Filch was one when he had a detention with him and he saw the leaflet of getting a wand for squibs.
A Squib is a person who is born to at least one parent who possesses magical abilities but do not have magical abilities of their own.There are two mainly known examples of Squibs in the Harry Potter series, these are Argus Filch (the caretaker who works at Hogwarts) and Arabella Figg (a member of the Order of the Phoenix) who lives in Privet Drive near Harry and was asked by Dumbledore to keep an eye on Harry while he was young and was not at Hogwarts.It is said that although Squibs do not possess any magical abilities such as the ability to use a wand, they are accepted usually into the magical world. Squibs are unable to see Dementors. Mrs Figg, when asked about the presence of Dementors in Little Whinging, lied in order to get Harry off the charges. Squibs normally marry into muggle families and all Muggle-Borns are descended from Squibs
Ron Weasley's Great Aunt Muriel says in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows that most squibs went to muggle schools and tried to live in the muggle world, as it would be far to harsh to have them live in wizarding world, where they would always be second class.
Harry Potter Shape Shifter = hambuse
There wasn't a Rosanne Coker in the Harry Potter universe
There is nobody named Lesley Manville in the Harry Potter universe
Filch. Squibs are people who had magical parents but arent magical themselves. Harry found Filch was one when he had a detention with him and he saw the leaflet of getting a wand for squibs.
A Squib is a person who is born to at least one parent who possesses magical abilities but do not have magical abilities of their own.There are two mainly known examples of Squibs in the Harry Potter series, these are Argus Filch (the caretaker who works at Hogwarts) and Arabella Figg (a member of the Order of the Phoenix) who lives in Privet Drive near Harry and was asked by Dumbledore to keep an eye on Harry while he was young and was not at Hogwarts.It is said that although Squibs do not possess any magical abilities such as the ability to use a wand, they are accepted usually into the magical world. Squibs are unable to see Dementors. Mrs Figg, when asked about the presence of Dementors in Little Whinging, lied in order to get Harry off the charges. Squibs normally marry into muggle families and all Muggle-Borns are descended from Squibs
In Harry Potter a Squib is a person with magical parents but they themselves cannot perform magic. they are the opposite to muggle-borns who are born into non-magical families and they can do magic Squibs are in non magical families but cannot perform magic
Expecto Patronum (against dementors), Waddiwasi (against Peeves), Riddikulus (against Boggarts), Dissendium(to reveal secret passageways)............ Basically, what do you want?
Ron Weasley's Great Aunt Muriel says in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows that most squibs went to muggle schools and tried to live in the muggle world, as it would be far to harsh to have them live in wizarding world, where they would always be second class.
If you are talking about warewolfs, vampires, and BOGGARTS, You can read Harry Potter 3 and the 1st twilight -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have read both sets of books but am looking for more information
I've heard somewhere around London (England)
Harry Potter materials that are considered to be fan fiction are anything that has been written in the Harry Potter universe that was not written by JK Rowling herself. Anything that is written by fans and not by the author is considered fan fiction.