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I don't think so. but she might be able to once she controls her anger so she doesn't turn into a werewolf any more. Like Jacob can start growing again when he controls his anger. But i don't think she ever can

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um no because in breaking dawn she says she is meenopausal which means she cant.

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No because werewolves cannot age so their bodies cant change unless they won't change into a wolf for a certain amount of time

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Q: Can Leah clearwater have kids
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Apparently Leah Clearwater isn't going to be in The Twilight films.

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NO. she is not going to be Leah clearwater. but the charactor of Leah clearwater doesnt come into the films until eclipse.

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No, Julia Jones will play Leah Clearwater.

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Who played Leah?

Leah Clearwater will be portrayed by Julia Jones.

Who is playing Leah Clearwater in eclipse?

Leah Clearwater is going to be played by Julia Jones in Eclipse. Her on-screen brother, Seth Clearwater, is going to be played by BooBoo Stewart.

Who are the clearwater's in the twillight series?

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