I don't think so. but she might be able to once she controls her anger so she doesn't turn into a werewolf any more. Like Jacob can start growing again when he controls his anger. But i don't think she ever can
Werewolf-ism is a rare trait through out the Quilute tribe, only Quilute kids get it if they were born with the trait. Leah was born with it.
Leah Clearwater and Sam Uley never imprinted on each other, they were just going out. Sam then split with Leah when he learnt that he had imprinted on Emily. Her cousin.
She was born in 1986
Leah Clearwater
Leah Clearwater
Leah Clearwater, Seth Clearwater, Embry Call, and Quil Ateara.
Leah clearwater
Apparently Leah Clearwater isn't going to be in The Twilight films.
Seth and Leah, harry clearwater's kids. (harry clearwater was the guy who died in new moon).
NO. she is not going to be Leah clearwater. but the charactor of Leah clearwater doesnt come into the films until eclipse.
No, Julia Jones will play Leah Clearwater.
Werewolf-ism is a rare trait through out the Quilute tribe, only Quilute kids get it if they were born with the trait. Leah was born with it.
Seth and Leah Clearwater
Leah Clearwater will be portrayed by Julia Jones.
Leah Clearwater is going to be played by Julia Jones in Eclipse. Her on-screen brother, Seth Clearwater, is going to be played by BooBoo Stewart.
Leah Clearwater (Daughter) Seth Clearwater (Son) Sue Clearwater (Mom) Harry Clearwater (Dad) They Are Quliutes