You are never too old to learn anything! In fact, if you keep learning new skills, it keeps your brain active and young, so that you are still as smart at 90 as you were at 20!
no!never, as long as you know what you want too get out of it and what music genre you want!
Maybe you can't be too old, but you a can be too mature for them.
Because we're too lazy to study maths, to summon spirets and cos we haven't anything better to do
Yes because you are never too old to learn.
Christians and Jews today believe and study the Old Testament. The Jews made it, but as Jesus was Jewish, Christians study it too.
We were trying to remember this one too. Did you ever find out??
No, I think he is too old for her!
no you're never to old to study and 24 is young!
The lyric is by Frank Loesser, and the music is by Arthur Schwartz.
Any music you want. It's your life/personallity! Who are we to tell you who to be and what to listen too?
I am 18 years old and don't know what to do with my life. Really the only thing I care about is music. I eat, breath, and sleep playing my guitar. But my high school never offered ANY sort of music program or class. I want to study music and make music my career and focus of my life but I dont know how to read music. There is a local Junior College that offeres a music degree or a music technology degree. Is it too late for me to get a degree in music?