Both males and females have both the equipment and disposition to sing and so any disparity in numbers between them is a result of culture. In different places at different times male or female vocalists may be more popular and there will naturally be more of whichever is popular. One factor which inhibits males from singing in North America is the voice change which occurs in males between the ages of 10 and 20. Struggling with this problem often turns males away from singing and many do not come back to it after their voices settle. As a result there are a lot more amateur female choral singers.
More than Words by Extreme
Most singers depend on vocal musical talent, and do not swear. Swearing is more present in rap than in music.
The Duprees change singers more times than you change your underwear.
Len Kagamine is a 14-year-old boy voice created by the Vocaloid 2 speech synthesizer. He is the male mirror (male twin) of Rin Kagamine (female voice created by Vocaloid). * Many people who cosplay him are girls which is why many people think he is a girl. He has a higher-pitched voice than a lot of male singers (like Justin Bieber), but once you get used to the voice and realize that he has a flat chest, you will see that he is a boy!
originally, yes tenor is male. but I was told that yes there is female tenors, just not alot like saprano, 2nd saprano, and alto. I was considered an alto last year, but after being assigned a solo, my director said i was more of a tenor than a alto, due to the fact that my solo was originally a tenor solo. I'm the only girl in my group that is a female tenor, so they are not many of us in choirs.
Because female is intelligent more than male and female is olso kind.
there is nothing wrong with sexy male singers. if they happen to be more than sexy then that a really good
Unito (male) Unita (female) Uniti (male or male and female, more) Unite (female, more than one)
At present there are far more male carpenters than female.
The Male fight more.
The male will be more colorful than the female.
The male boxers are usually more boisterous than the female boxers.
no usually the male rabbits are bigger than female , because male rabbits are more dominate.
A normal male has both male & female hormones. But male hormones are predominantly higher than female hormones male eunuch female hormones are more than normal giving him female characteristics normal female,both hormones are there but female hormones are predominantly higher than male hormones female eunuchs male hormones are higher than normal.
A female pug tends to prefer a male than another female
there are more female than male