there is nothing wrong with sexy male singers. if they happen to be more than sexy then that a really good
Featuring free pictures & screen caps of actors, singers, athletes and various sexy male celebrities appearing SHIRTLESS!
Justin bieber
male singers with first name Micheal
more ladies are singers because they have better voices.
Three Dog Night had their first four chart hits in 1969...two male lead singers
Subash sathiyamoorthi
This would be a personal preference but there are many good Opera singers.
Sexy mio or Sexy mia may be Italian equivalents of 'my sexy...'. The words in Italian are pronounced 'SEH-ksee MEE-oh' and 'SEH-ksee MEE-ah', respectively. The possessive 'mio' is used with a 'sexy' male, and 'mia' with a 'sexy' female.
Hitler and anne frank
regine velasquez