yes they are because un like norkaka gangs their are west side sureno gangs and east side sureno gangs and south side sureno gangs. but they are the best because east west and south have each others backs and will kill all norkakas in sight.. NK ALL DAY screw NORTENOS...
no body knows this cuz he disses surenos but also throws down norteno x3
a sureno meaning "southern" are hispanics manly in southern cali and the southwest states under the mexican mafia alot or sureno gangs wear blue such as F13, play boy surenos 13, MS13, and 18st. but there are sureno sets that wear red like culver boys 13 and logan reds simply surenos wear any color due to the reason alot of the older gangs dont wear blue cause they been around befor sureno has but sureno is one of the biggest gangs in the world reaching high numbers against their rivals the chaps
Mr.Capone E is a Chicano rapper from San Gabriel Valley California. His first Gang was The Cyclones(CYS). He is a Sureno Rapper. He often raps w/ Mr. Criminal.Tira varrio para los SURENOS. He's labeled under Hi Power Gangsters(HPG) he usually raps with Mr. Criminal. Hello HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII
"best i ever had" by drake=)
Gibson received two Academy Awards, Best Director and Best Picture, for his 1995 direction of Braveheart
Surenos are the true chapetes NOT Nortenos
Surenos are foot soldiers for the Mexican mafia. There are hundreds of them. Surenos originated in Southern California, but are mostly found in Los Angeles and San Diego.
Yes, the Surenos gang is in Chicago.
The surenos are some people stupid puro Latin Kings and Bloods forever
Surenos don't have ''13 missions''. Surenos isn't a video game it's a gang.
Surenos is primarily made up of ethnic Hispanics residing within the United States penal system. Surenos began in southern California and has since spread to every state.
Not all Surenos are bald, as far as the one's that are bald it's cause they choose to shave their heads but it's not a requirement that u have to shave ur head to be a Surenos or anything, it's just a choice.