No, people are left-handed because they choose to be left-handed.
Harry Styles doesn't have a twin, Niall has a twin but died at birth so Niall was lucky to be born.
Marlon Jackson's twin brother was a stillborn, as a result of an emergency c-section. They were several weeks premature.
Mario Andretti And his twin Brother, Jason Aldean
he didn’t, he just says he did & that is why he has 4 nipples, but he didn’t !!
I do not think she has a Twin sister
In the creation story of the Iroquois people, the left-handed twin represents chaos and destruction, while the right-handed twin represents order and harmony. The people sing and dance for the left-handed twin as a way to pacify and appease his chaotic nature, hoping to prevent his destructive actions and maintain balance in the world.
the left handed twin gets banished and can never come back
No, that's not true at all.
The left-handed twin killed their mother when he was born because he didn't want to be born the normal way, while the right-handed twin was born normally. Also the left-handed twin always lied while the right-handed twin always told the truth. So basically the left twin was evil and the right twin was good.
the left handed twin gets banished and can never come back
As of the 2014 season, the Minnesota Twins have 6 left handed batters.
There isn't an exact answer to this question because most doctors and researchers don't know. However, I came across an interesting theory on a "Miracle of Life" documentary on the Discovery channel. Basically, it explored the idea that people who are left handed actually started out their gestational life (in the womb) as a twin. When the egg divided, one embryo got the left handed gene while the other got the right handed. If you were not born with a twin, then your twin was reabsorbed into the womb and wouldn't have shown up in any ultrasounds. This should not suggest that every left handed person started out as a twin, but there has been some research done on this theory.
the cause and the effect of this myth how the balance the good and evil, nature and desire are an importance to the world . the balance of good and evil are not the same other direction has a straight mind while the left handed twin has a crooked mind. they started arguing when left handed twin kill their mother, right twin accused him for killing and murdering their mother but the grandmother told them to stop quarelling. they married their mother and from her grave the plants grew which the people still use
Hi, as a left hander myself ive had an interest in this, im led to believe through the media we are 1 in every 10 on average.If it interests you, you can search the net for more info about lefties, we were considered half wits, evil doers, witches or the male counterpart, hence some of the unkindly nicknames such as kackhanded etc, basically the history of lefties has been pretty grim, with no tolerance from the right handed majority, these prejudices carried right through the Victorian era into about the 1930s-1940s, luckily now attitudes have changed....i hope....(otherwise someone will feel my southpaw) lol.Also their is a theory that we are the survivor of mirror twins, when our right handed bro or sis may have been lost in very early pregnancy, & we were the survivor.... this is only a theory though!!AnswerBoth my husband, an identical twin with a right-handed brother, and my son, a fraternal twin with a right handed sister are left handed. There is a stirore in London which sells stuff for left handed foldk and we have a left-handed milkpan and a left handed can opener. though funnily enough the right-handers in the family find the left-handed opener easier to use while husband uses the right-handed one.
Left-handed people tend to have more evenly distributed language functions across both hemispheres of the brain compared to right-handed individuals, who typically have left-hemisphere dominance for language. Genetic factors, prenatal hormone exposure, and variations in brain structure and function may all play a role in determining handedness.
Mirror image twins are identical and have mirror image differences but are genetically identical which means they have the same DNA. A set of mirror-image twins will have similarities like a mole. One twin would have it on his left arm while the other would have it on his right. Another common feature is one twin being left handed, while the other is right handed. For male twins, the swirl of hair crown is often in the opposite direction.
the twins are in conflict because the right handed twin is the one whois good while the left is evil. So the left wanted to be born out wrong, from the armpit, which kills their mother. This leads them to a grudge