Bill Gates and Jon Harwood were born on October 28th
There were several famous people born on February 12th. Specifically, Abraham Lincoln, Charles Darwin, and Judy Blume were all born on February 12th.
Here are a few famous people who were born during the month of February: actors Gary Coleman, Gilbert Gottfried, Joe Pesci, actresses Elizabeth Taylor, Bernadette Peters, Ellen Page, musicians George Harrison(In Memory) , Lisa Marie Presley, & former NHL player Eric Lindros.
who are some famous people that were born in turner county ga
Hinata was born on December 27th. (Year Unknown)
If you were born on February 28th, then you would still change ages on that day. If you were born on February 29th, then you can choose between February 28th or March 1st to celebrate your birthday in a common year. A person born on February 29th would legally turn 18 or 21 on February 28th.
Bill Gates and Jon Harwood were born on October 28th
There were several famous people born on February 12th. Specifically, Abraham Lincoln, Charles Darwin, and Judy Blume were all born on February 12th.
Megan McDonald was born in 1959 February 28th and she is the writer of judy moody's she is currently the age of 51.
luke white was born today...and he is a world famous southerner
There are thousands of people born on February 4, 1994 throughout the world. There are no celebrities or famous people that were born on this date.
Alice Cooper.
Paul Warfield was born on December 28th
If you were born on February 29th, it means you are a leap year baby. On leap year, you would celebrate your birthday on February 29th. In non-leap years, you would celebrate it either on February 28th, or March 1st. Choosing which day to celebrate it on can depend on what time you were born on February 29th. If you were born before noon on February 29th, you would celebrate your birthday on February 28th on non-leap years. If you born after noon of February 29th, you would celebrate it March 1st on non-leap years. In some countries they make laws on what to do if you are born on February 29th. In Taiwan, for example, they legally pronounce that if a baby is born on February 29th, their birthdays are celebrated on the 28th of February in non-leap years.
Currently there are 187,000 people in the United States; and 4 million people in the world who where born on February 29th. The chances of you being born on Febraury 29th is 1 in 1,500. The decision of whether or not if you were born on February 29th, will you see February 28th, February 29th, or March 1st on your birth certificate; is usually determined by the state. Although some states vary most states place February 29th births as March 1st.
I think if a person was born on the 29th of February their birthday would either be on 28th of February or on every leap year. amazing isn't it?!
Born on February 28th, 1995 she is 14 years old.