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Marjorie Reynolds and Katherine Heigl are not related. Marjorie Reynolds was an American actress known for her roles in classic films such as "Holiday Inn," while Katherine Heigl is a contemporary actress known for her work in television shows like "Grey's Anatomy" and films like "Knocked Up." Despite both being actresses, there is no known familial relationship between the two.

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Are Marjorie Reynolds and Katherine Heiglrelated?

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Is Marjorie Reynolds related to Katherine Heigl?

Well, bless your heart for asking, but no, Marjorie Reynolds and Katherine Heigl are not related. They are two separate individuals with their own family trees. So, you can rest easy knowing that there's no hidden Hollywood family connection there.

When was Katherine Heigl born?

Katherine Heigl was born on November 24, 1978

Is Katherine Heigl single?

No, Katherine Heigl is not single.

What is Katherine Heigl's occupation?

Katherine Heigl is a/an Actress , model

What is Katherine Heigl's middle name?

The middle name of Katherine Heigl is Marie. So, her full name is Katherine Marie Heigl.

What is Katherine Heigl's middle name?

The middle name of Katherine Heigl is Marie. So, her full name is Katherine Marie Heigl.

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Katherine Heigl has 3 children

How many children does Katherine Heigl have?

Katherine Heigl has 3 children

What nicknames does Katherine Heigl go by?

Katherine Heigl goes by Katie.

When did Katherine Heigl get married?

Katherine Heigl married to Josh Kelley in 2007

What is Katherine Heigl's birthday?

Katherine Heigl was born on November 24, 1978.

What is Katherine Heigl's birthday?

Katherine Heigl was born on November 24, 1978.