its singed by dean martin and the song is called Volare
It's Tarzan Boy from Baltimora. I love that song!
I do believe her first song is Head First.
i belive that is by Kesha and the song is "Blow" or this place is about to blow..
its singed by dean martin and the song is called Volare
'Il mio amore segreto' is an Italian equivalent of 'my secret love'. It's pronounced 'eel MEE-oh ah-MOH-reh seh-GREH-toh'. In conversation, it may be shortened to 'mi amor segreto'.
Ton amour is a French equivalent of 'tuo amore'. The masculine adjectives 'ton' and 'tuo' mean 'your'. The masculine nouns 'amour' and 'amore' mean 'love'. The French phrase is pronounced 'toh-nah-moor'. The Italian phrase is pronounced 'TOO-oh ah-MOH-reh'.
"With love and kisses, my love!" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase Con amore e baci, amore mio! The phrase shows Italian tendencies to put adjectives after, not before, their nouns, with the last two words translating literally as "love (of) mine" in English. The pronunciation will be "KO-na-MO-rey BA-tchee a-MO-rey MEE-o" in Pisan Italian.
Your love is an English equivalent of 'ti amore'. The personal pronoun 'ti' means 'you'. The masculine noun 'amore' means 'love'. Together, they're pronounced 'tee ah-MOH-reh'.The two words don't represent the standard Italian form of the phrase, which is '[il] tuo amore'. But Italian varies widely from region to region. And this is just one example of such regional variations in how to say things in the Italian peninsula and on the Italian islands.
"Mancando il mio amore" is the literal Italian equivalent, and "Mi manca il mio amore" is the common Italian equivalent, of "Missing my love."Specifically, the present participle "mancando" means "missing." The masculine singular definite article "il" means "the." The masculine possessive "mio" means "my." The masculine noun "amore" means "love." The feminine/masculine personal pronoun "mi" means "to me." The verb "manca" means "(He/She/It) is missing to, (You) are missing to."The respective pronunciations are "mahn-KAHN-doh eel MEE-oh ah-MOH-reh" and "mee MAHN-kah eel MEE-oh ah-MOH-reh."
Grazie mille, amore mio! is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "Thank you so much, my love!" The courtesy translates literally into English as "1,000 thanks, my love!" The pronunciation will be "GRA-tsyey MEEL-ley a-MO-rey MEE-o" in Italian.
Sei il mio amore! is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "You're my love!"Specifically, the verb sei is "(informal singular you) are". The masculine singular definite article il means "the". The masculine possessive adjective mio means "my". The masculine noun amore translates as "love".The pronunciation will be "say eel MEE-oh ah-MOH-rey" in Italian.
In Italian a translation is fino ad allora il mio amore. Always remember that depending on the context of your sentences, the translation can vary. There may also be slang terminology if you were to travel to Italy. Keep in mind that online translators may not always be correct, they are a reflection of the exact words you have typed in.
Il mio amore speciale is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "my special love".Specifically, the masculine singular definite article ilis "the". The masculine possessive adjective mio means "my". The masculine noun amore means "love". The feminine/masculine adjective speciale translates as "special".The pronunciation will be "eel MEE-oh ah-MOH-rey spey-TCHYAH-ley" in Italian.
My love is an English equivalent of 'il mio amore'. In the word by word translation, the masculine definite article 'il' means 'the'. The masculine possessive 'mio'means 'my'. The masculine gender noun 'amore' means 'love'. The phrase is pronounced 'eel MEE-oh ah-MOH-ray'.
"Oh no! There's a fire!" in English is Oh no! C'è fuoco!in Italian.