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Q: A researcher wants to find out if adults who watch violent television shows will behave more aggressively Name the dependent variable?
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The variable that the researcher controls is called the?

the dependent varible

What is a dependent variable in research?

The dependent variable is the variable that the researcher does not control. The researcher will change one variable called the independent variable (ex. temperature, amount of sunlight, amount of food, etc.) and then observe the corresponding dependent variable (ex. reaction of organism, amount of plant growth, swimming speed, etc.)

What are the main parts of of a controlled experiment?

The main parts of a controlled experiment are the dependent variable and the independent variable. The dependent variable is what is measured in the experiment. The independent variable is the variable that is varied or manipulated by the researcher. The independent variable is the presumed cause, whereas the dependent variable is the presumed effect.

What type of variable is gender?

Nominal (categorical), and Dependent (it is measured and accounted for, but a researcher cannot manipulate gender).

What is dependant variable?

A dependant variable is a term used in science to identify the response that is measured in an experiment. When a researcher conducts an experiment, he is interested in the outcome, defined as the dependent variable.

Which is the part of the experiment that is the measurable outcome?

This is the variable which changes as a result of what you change in the experiment. If you change the height from which you drop a ball, you may observe the height to which it bounces. The height of the bounce is the outcome variable.

What is the independent variable?

Any variable can be the independent variable. It depends partly on what the dependent variable is, partly on the relationship you are examining. For example, if looking at age and length of children's feet, foot length would be considered the dependent variable. But if looking at foot length and shoe size, then foot length would be the independent variable.

What is the name for something that changes during an experiment?

All factors in an expermient are called variables. The variable you can change yourself is called the independent variable; the one you expect to change and monitor accordingly (and where you get your results from) is called the dependent variable.

What causes change in a dependent variable?

The dependent variable is dependent on the independent variable, so when the independent variable changes, so does the dependent variable.

What is the independent and dependent variables ithis sentence. A researcher wants to find out whether more intelligent people make healthier diet choices than less intelligent people?

The independent variable is one that can be systematically varied by the researcher across participants. The value of the dependent variable depends on how you manipulate the IV. Thus, the IV is intelligence, the DV is diet choices.

What variable systematically manipulated by the researcher?

The independent variable is the one which the researcher controls and manipulates. On a graph this is the 'x' axis.

Is price is independent variable or dependent variable?

dependent variable