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Q: 1970s kid show with a man in a muscle ond organ body suit?
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Can you show some of our body organ which damage by taking ecstasy?

Your brain will be damaged after taking ecstasy for your first time

Can you show where my heart is on my body?

The heart is a muscular organ located slightly to left side of and behind the breastbone. It is the size of a fist.

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When do symptoms of paralysis tick show?

They show when you have just a smallish rash, the size of a dime shows on the body. then your muscle will tighten up and shut down. If the paralysis tick gets to the lungs or heart muscle, they will shut down and you will die. Hope i helped ^_^

What was it like in the 1970s?

If you have cable, you need to watch "That 70's Show."

Name a 1970s talk show?

Phil Donahue Merv Griffin Mike Douglas Tonight Show

Is there video of Vidal Sassoons hair show at the Royal Albert Hall Hair show from 1970s?

I wish.

What are some effective ways to show off muscle memory?

Muscle memory is simply the movements that one's muscle become familiar with performing. To show off muscle memory one has to repeat a movement many times before it becomes second nature. It is why people who start body building experience aches in pains in muscles they were not previously using. The new muscle memory will be shown off in the increased size of those muscles.

Which celebrity started a varitey tv show with her brother in the 1970s?

Donny & Marie Osmond

What muscle is shown when you get asked to show your muscle?

The upper arm contains the biceps.

Why snakes show wavy motion?

If a creatures body is one long, tubular muscle, the only form of self-propulsion is twisting the body back and forth. Snakes move in a wavy motion because they have to.

Who were the female talk show hosts in the 1970's?

The 1970s was an era when a few more women began hosting (or co-hosting) radio and TV talk shows. Among the best known were these: Famous singer Dinah Shore hosted a TV talk show called "Dinah's Place" and another called "Dinah" in the early 1970s. Sally Jessy Raphael was co-hosting a radio talk show in New York the mid-1970s. Dr. Laura Schlessinger's talk radio career began on the west coast, in Los Angeles, in the mid-to-late 1970s. Psychologist Toni Grant was also hosting an advice program on Los Angeles radio in the mid-1970s. And Barbara Walters began co-hosting on the Today show in the mid-1970s.