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Synonyms for the word harmonious: agreeable, corresponding; friendly, accordant, adapted, amicable, balanced, compatible, concordant, congenial, congruous, consonant, coordinated, cordial, dulcet, euphonious, harmonic, harmonizing, in accord, in chorus, in concert, in harmony, in step, in tune, in unison, like, matching, mellifluous, melodic, melodious, mix, musical, of one mind, on same wavelength, peaceful, rhythmical, silvery, similar, simpatico, sonorous, suitable, sweet-sounding, symmetrical, sympathetic, symphonic, symphonious, tuneful

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Here are some positive words that start with 'h': happy, hopeful, harmonious, and healthy.

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sympathetic and harmonious relationship.

What does harmionous mean?

Don't you mean harmonious? Harmonious means that two sounds, or elements are clashing well together. For a proper definition though, I suggest you check a dictionary.

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A harmonious relationship would be one where is harmony, i.e. the 2 people live in peace and harmony.

What does harmony mean?

It means "marked by agreement in feeling, movement, or action." == == The word harmonious can mean to form a well balanced, or pleasing whole. Other definitions could include to be tuneful or peaceful.

What is harmonious in tagalog?

In Tagalog, "harmonious" is translated as "maayos," which means peaceful or in good order.

What does it mean for one to be congruent?

to becongruent means forone to be correspondingand harmonious

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What is the comparative and superlative of harmonios?

The comparative form of "harmonious" is "more harmonious," and the superlative form is "most harmonious."