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An interpreter or a compiler. The former translates one line at a time and must be executed within the interpreter. The latter compiles the entire program into a standalone executable. For example, C++ is compiled to machine code but Java is compiled to byte code which is then interpreted by the Java Virtual Machine.

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HLLs (High level languages) can be translated into machine code in two ways. Some (like HTML) are converted to machine code by an interpreter in which case it's converted at runtime. No extra files are created and the code has to be converted every time it is executed. Others (like c++) are compiled, which means that they are converted once (compiled) and the machine code is saved into a .exe file which does not need to be converted each time it is run.

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Actually, it is called a compiler.

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The application responsible for converting a high-level language into machine code is often called a compiler.

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What is a complier in computer language?

A compiler is a program that translates a programming language (like c++, java, pascal, php etc...) to a language that computers can "understand" (i.e. "1001010110101010...")

Why machine language is the only language which is directly executed by computers?

Machine language is the native language of the machine and requires no translation. Every other programming language must be translated into machine code in order to execute, which means you need to program the computer to perform that translation. A compiler translates the entire source code to produce a machine code executable, whereas an interpreter translates high-level statements as they are executed within the runtime environment.

What is mean by a one to many relationship when comparing a high level language to machine language?

It is meaningless. The term 'high-level language' implies a high-level of abstraction between the source code and the resultant machine code. In order for there to be a one-to-one relationship between the source code and the machine code, there must be little to no abstraction; the source language must be low-level. Assembly language is a low-level language with little to no abstraction.

Is machine language is also called a assembly language?

Computers only understand machine code. Low-level Assembler language and all high-level languages must be assembled or compiled to machine code in order to execute. However, the computer itself can be programmed (with a machine-code program) to generate the required machine code from either a low-level or high-level input. Low-level Assembler is an almost one-to-one translation of symbols and mnemonics to machine code whereas high-level languages often compile to object code which is then linked to produce machine code. Interpreted high-level languages are not compiled to machine code but are interpreted by another program, an interpreter, which translates each line of high-level code into the required machine code at runtime. Java, for instance, compiles to byte code suitable for the Java virtual machine. The JVM is a machine code program that interprets the byte code to produce machine-specific machine code. As a result of this interpretation, Java programs are much slower than machine-coded implementations of the same program.

How do you convert higher level language into lower level language?

Not only can we but we have to! Machine code is the only language understood by the computer, thus all languages, both low and high level, must be converted to machine code in order to execute. Most compiled languages can produce low-level symbolic code (assembly language), but not all, especially those that compile to byte code rather than machine code. However, all code has to be compiled or interpreted to machine code at some point and machine code can be disassembled to produce low-level symbolic code.

Related questions

What is a complier in computer language?

A compiler is a program that translates a programming language (like c++, java, pascal, php etc...) to a language that computers can "understand" (i.e. "1001010110101010...")

Why machine language is the only language which is directly executed by computers?

Machine language is the native language of the machine and requires no translation. Every other programming language must be translated into machine code in order to execute, which means you need to program the computer to perform that translation. A compiler translates the entire source code to produce a machine code executable, whereas an interpreter translates high-level statements as they are executed within the runtime environment.

What is mean by a one to many relationship when comparing a high level language to machine language?

It is meaningless. The term 'high-level language' implies a high-level of abstraction between the source code and the resultant machine code. In order for there to be a one-to-one relationship between the source code and the machine code, there must be little to no abstraction; the source language must be low-level. Assembly language is a low-level language with little to no abstraction.

Example of compiler converting the high level language into machine language?

Compiler Compiler is the correct answer. It's a programme that converts source code written in a high-level programming language into machine code for a particular computer architecture. It translates high-level language into machine language, to put it simply. To learn more about data science please visit-

What is a program that translates a high level language like C plus plus to machine language?

A compiler. We can also use an interpreter to translate high-level code as it is executed, however in order to create a stand-alone executable we must use a compiler. A compiler is simply a program that translates high-level code to a lower-level code (but not necessarily machine code). For instance, the Java compiler emits Java byte code which is suitable for interpretation by the Java virtual machine.

Is machine language is also called a assembly language?

Computers only understand machine code. Low-level Assembler language and all high-level languages must be assembled or compiled to machine code in order to execute. However, the computer itself can be programmed (with a machine-code program) to generate the required machine code from either a low-level or high-level input. Low-level Assembler is an almost one-to-one translation of symbols and mnemonics to machine code whereas high-level languages often compile to object code which is then linked to produce machine code. Interpreted high-level languages are not compiled to machine code but are interpreted by another program, an interpreter, which translates each line of high-level code into the required machine code at runtime. Java, for instance, compiles to byte code suitable for the Java virtual machine. The JVM is a machine code program that interprets the byte code to produce machine-specific machine code. As a result of this interpretation, Java programs are much slower than machine-coded implementations of the same program.

What is meant by Machine level language?

A language at the level of the machine it runs on. AKA Machine code, it's the underlying language that computer CPU's speak.

What is an assembler in operating system?

an assembler is aroutine program that translates assemly language source code to a machine language object code

How do you convert higher level language into lower level language?

Not only can we but we have to! Machine code is the only language understood by the computer, thus all languages, both low and high level, must be converted to machine code in order to execute. Most compiled languages can produce low-level symbolic code (assembly language), but not all, especially those that compile to byte code rather than machine code. However, all code has to be compiled or interpreted to machine code at some point and machine code can be disassembled to produce low-level symbolic code.

What is compiler in computer programming?

A compiler is a program that translates high-level source code into low-level machine code.

Which program translates an assembly language program into a high-level language?

A High level language is a language like C, Pascal, Fortran. To convert, the easiest way is to use a compiler. A compiler will take the instructions written in a high level language and convert them into machine code which is the specific instruction set for that type of computer. Assembly language is just a human readable form of a machine code which is how the designers of the computer instruction set made it work. A disassembler will show the assembly language from machine code. But the compiler usually includes a lot of optimisations from a the high level language and will not often generate very simple assembly.

Why is assembly language known as a low level language?

The level of a language is an indication of how abstract it is compared to the machine code it produces. The higher the level, the further it is from the machine and thus the more abstract it is. Assembly language has a near 1:1 translation to machine code with very little in the way of abstraction, thus it is a low-level language.