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an assembler is aroutine program that translates assemly language source code to a machine language object code

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Q: What is an assembler in operating system?
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Related questions

Can assemblers be used in any operating system?

An assembler must be specifically written to accommodate both the operating system, as well as the underlying CPU architecture.

Which language is used to design a operating system?

An operating system is mostly developed in C. C++ is less common, but used by several OS developers. There also is some operatingsystems developed in Pascal and Ruby. The last (ruby) used an interpreter in C. To load the operating system, you need a bootloader. Which is at least partially written in assembler.

Single pass assembler in system software?

input file for the single pass assembler

Is assembler a system programme?


How assembler works?

To the question, It is an low level language An assembly language is use to write programs : 1.Games 2.Operating system 3.Utility program 4.compiler/assembler/interpreter 5.Virus 6.Defragmenter 7.Device driver

Is assembler a system software?

Yes. Software branches into : -System software -application software -programming Languages System software then branches into: -Operating System -Operating environment -Utilities -Programming Languages -Translators And translators includes Assembler as well as compilers and interpreters.

What do you mean by abstract view of system?

abstract view of system means the overall view of system with its system components like hardware, operating systems and application programs like compiler, assembler, text editor, database system and so on. Above all has various users interacting with this system.

How do you run a assembly language program?

You must run the assembly source code through the appropriate Assembler program in order to produce machine code for the computer and operating system you want to run it on. You will need to know which machine and system the code was written for, good assembler programmers put this information in a comment near the beginning of the program to avoid confusion. It is rare for assembler code written for one environment to run on another, although some specialist 'Cross Assemblers' are available for this purpose.

Which language is used to design a real time operating system?

Maybe C. or Assembler. Linux has some RT capability, and it's written in C. I think VxWorks (a commercial RTOS) is written in C also.

What assembler do for system?

An assembler takes abbreviated names for computer instructions, like "MOV", and turns them into the numeric bytes which, when loaded into memory, can be executed by the CPU.

What are the five types of system?

compiler linker loader macroprocessor assembler

What are the types of system program?

compiler linker loader macroprocessor assembler