A characterisitic table has the control input (i.e., D or T) as the first column, the current state as the middle column, and the next state as the last column. Basically, it tells you how the control bit affects the current state to produce the next state.
An excitation table has the current state as the first column, the next state as the second column, and the control bit as the third column. Basically, think of this as the state you have (first column), the state you want (second column), and what you must set the control bit (third column) to get the desired state you want. The excitation table is used to implement an FSM.
The difference between multidimensional and dimensional scaling is in terms of relationship between physical characteristic and dimension. In the case of multidimensional scaling, each dimension can be connected to 2 or more physical characteristics, unlike dimensional scaling..
A: it does not apply to only flip-flop but to all kinds of logic circuits where a [+] transition from a less negative to a more positive level occurs [-] and the other way around meaning a +/- transition must occurs to transfer states.
They are sandals that have a piece of plastic or cloth that goes between your toes. They are also called, though not by me, foot thongs, for that very same in between the toes thing. In New Zealand they are called Jandals ( short for Japanese sandals).
truth table contains inputs and excitation table takes outputs as inputs
truth table gives relation between i/p & o/p. excitation table is use for design of ff & counters.
FF-sincron L-asincron level sensitive and edge sensitive
An atom that undergoes excitation and de-excitation emits photons of light. When an electron in an atom absorbs energy and moves to a higher energy level (excitation), it eventually returns to its original state (de-excitation) and emits a photon of light corresponding to the energy difference between the two levels.
The no-load characteristic of a generator differs for increasing and decreasing excitation current due to magnetic hysteresis, residual magnetism, and core saturation effects. When the excitation current increases, the magnetic domains in the iron core gradually align with the applied magnetic field, resulting in a higher generated electromotive force (EMF). However, as the excitation current decreases, these magnetic domains do not immediately return to their original unaligned state. This lag in realignment causes the generated voltage to remain higher during the decreasing phase of excitation than during the increasing phase at the same level of excitation current. This phenomenon is known as magnetic hysteresis. Even when the excitation current is zero, the magnetic core retains some level of magnetisation, known as residual magnetism. This residual magnetic field means that when the excitation current starts increasing again, it takes additional current to overcome this residual alignment before the generated voltage rises significantly. As a result, the voltage is initially lower when increasing the excitation current from zero. Conversely, during the decreasing phase, the residual magnetism keeps the voltage higher than it would be if the core were fully demagnetised, further contributing to the difference between the increasing and decreasing curves. As the excitation current increases, the magnetic core of the generator approaches saturation. Near saturation, any further increase in excitation current results in only a small increase in generated voltage because the core's magnetic domains are almost fully aligned. When the excitation current decreases from this saturated state, the magnetic domains gradually return to a less aligned state. This gradual realignment causes the generated voltage to decrease differently than it increased, contributing to the asymmetry between the increasing and decreasing excitation phases.
Over Excitation is a condition when the Excitation System is providing too much field current and as a result, the rotor of the generator will over heat. The Excitation System is equipped with an Over Excitation Limiter. This limiter acts to reduce the Excitation Current if this condition exists Underexcitation is a condition when the generator is not getting enough Excitation Current. If the generator does not get enough Excitation Current, it can be un-synchronized with the grid. We call this slipping a pole. If this occurs, the generator can be severely damaged. Kelly Thompson Engineering Lead Siemens Energy Alpharetta GA
The answer will depend on what two characteristics!
Excitation frequency can be calculated as the reciprocal of the excitation period, which is the time interval between two consecutive excitations. The formula is: Excitation frequency = 1 / Excitation period. Alternatively, if you know the excitation waveform (e.g., sine wave), you can determine the excitation frequency from the period of that waveform.
The difference between a separately excited DC generator and a Shunt DC generator is that for a separately excited Dc generator , the excitation field winding is supplied by an external source different from that supplying the armature while for shunt generator, the excitation field windind is connected in series with the armature and supplied by a single source.
The difference between CD ROM and WORM is that WORM allows to write once for the first time. Capacity is also a characteristic difference.