pointer data type that carry address:of data type that has no name but both of them must have same data type.
structures you can make your own data type:
struct name
put any data type you wants
any functions.
A structure is a collection of primitives or other structures. A pointer is a memory address. Comparison of the two is like comparing bowling balls to cinder blocks. You can say that a structure defines the layout of the data, while a pointer points to data that is a particular structure.
The arrow is used when a pointer variable is used to get at a member of a structure, and the dot operator is used when dealing with the real structure.ptr->fld == (*ptr).fldstr.fld == (&str)->fld
A pointer to a function is the memory address that stores the address of a function, while the pointer itself is a function pointer.A pointer to a function might be defined as "int (*pf)(int, int);", while to actually point to the function, you would use a function pointer, such as "pf = &func;".
There isn't any difference. Two different words forexactly same thing. Third way to call it is instruction address register.
A typedef is a compiler macro. A reference is a pointer, usually implemented with transparent syntax. They have no relationship between each other.
A structure is a collection of primitives or other structures. A pointer is a memory address. Comparison of the two is like comparing bowling balls to cinder blocks. You can say that a structure defines the layout of the data, while a pointer points to data that is a particular structure.
1. pointer to a constant means you can not change what the pointer points to 2. constant pointer means you can not change the pointer.
Generic pointer of type 'void *' is compatible with any (data-)pointer, but you cannot use the following operators on it: + - ++ -- += -= * -> []
There is no similarity between the two.
All buildings are structures but not all structures are buildings
dfs sd
The arrow is used when a pointer variable is used to get at a member of a structure, and the dot operator is used when dealing with the real structure.ptr->fld == (*ptr).fldstr.fld == (&str)->fld
A Null pointer has the value 0. void pointer is a generic pointer introduced by ANSI. Before ANSI, char pointers are used as generic pointer. Generic pointer can hold the address of any data type. Pointers point to a memory address, and data can be stored at that address.
A pointer to a function is the memory address that stores the address of a function, while the pointer itself is a function pointer.A pointer to a function might be defined as "int (*pf)(int, int);", while to actually point to the function, you would use a function pointer, such as "pf = &func;".
man-made structures were made by humans, but natural structures made itself.
the difference between the gui & console are ,in the gui we can use the mouse pointer and console screen only we have to used the character. from anknush
Pointer-variables are variables, so there is no difference.