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  • lower power dissipation
  • higher reliability
  • lower operating voltage
  • instant on (no heater warm-up time)
  • smaller size
  • lighter weight
  • more rugged
  • more efficient
  • possible to integrate with other devices into one package
  • etc.
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10y ago
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9y ago

-- less power required to operate the transistor

-- fewer distinct voltages required to operate it

-- less heat generated by a transistor

-- no warm-up time delay required

-- physically smaller

-- lighter weight

-- lower cost since the mid-1950s, and the gap has steadily grown

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Q: What are the advantage of transistor over vacuum tube?
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What computer component did the transistor replace?

the vacuum tube

What electronic function made the transistor famous?

The importance of the Transistor was that it could amplify an electrical signal. It was thus an analog of the vacuum tube devices, and could take advantage of the circuit history and applications that had built up over the preceding 50 years.

What electronic component is a gate or switch for electrical signals?

Transistor or vacuum tube.

What is a vacuum tube used for?

The same things a transistor is used for.

What invention replaced the vacuum tube?

The answer to the question is TRANSISTER

How many vacuum tube in one transistor?

There are no vacuum tubes in a transistor. A vacuum tube is an electronic device that uses a heated cathode in a vacuum to direct and control an electron stream to an anode, also known as the plate. The vacuum tube is old technology, but it is still used today, typically in high power applications such as transmitters. A transistor is an electronic device that uses solid-state semiconductors to similarly control an electron stream. The transistor is newer than the vacuum tube. It offers lower power, smaller size, easier use and other enhancements over vacuum tubes, within limits, of course, such as voltage and power.

What replaced the vacuum tube?

The transistor replaced the vacuum tube as the primary component in electronic devices, offering smaller size, lower power consumption, and higher reliability. This transition marked the beginning of the semiconductor era in electronics.

When did transistors replace the vacuum tube?

A Transistor is an electronic device which amplifies electrical signals, or acts as a switch. Most of the research on Transistors was performed by Shockley in 1947. That was when, the advantages of the solid state device similar in function to a Triode Vacuum tube were understood and implemented. The basic advantage was compactness..

Is a vacuum tube far more stable than a transistor?

yes but vacuum tubes produce more sperm trololol

What characteristics made the transistor better than the vacuum tube?

There were obvious differences between the trasisitor and the vacum tube. The transistor was faster, more reliable, smaller, and much cheaper to build than a vacuum tube. One transmisor was the equivalent 40 vacuum tubes. They also didn't produce heat compare it to a vacuum tubes. Conduct electricity faster and better than vacuum tubes.

Is Vcc notation used only in a transistor circuit?

Vcc is used in bipolar transistor circuitsVdd is used in field effect transistor circuitsB+ is used in vacuum tube circuits

Can the amplified output of the transistor exceed the range of power supply given to it?

No, and neither can the amplified output of a vacuum tube.