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There were obvious differences between the trasisitor and the vacum tube. The transistor was faster, more reliable, smaller, and much cheaper to build than a vacuum tube. One transmisor was the equivalent 40 vacuum tubes.

They also didn't produce heat compare it to a vacuum tubes.

Conduct electricity faster and better than vacuum tubes.

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Q: What characteristics made the transistor better than the vacuum tube?
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How are vacuum tubes different from transistors?

vacuum tubes require a red hot cathode or filament to supply the electrons by which they operate. This cathode or filament dissipates much more power than an entire transistor and contributes nothing but electrons to the operation of the tube.transistors are solid state and not sensitive to the vibrations that can cause "microphonic" behavior in tubes.tubes need to be manufactured one at a time, even on an automated assembly line, modern planar transistors can be produced in practically unlimited quantities in one processing cycle all at the same time, giving the transistors made at the same time nearly all perfectly matched electronic characteristics.vacuum tubes need hard vacuum, transistors don't.the life of a vacuum tube is most frequently limited by how long it takes the heater or filament to burn out (like a light bulb) this is usually limited to a few years at most, the life of a transistor is most frequently limited by "dopant migration" which is temperature dependent, at normal operating temperatures within the manufacturer's specifications this can easily be centuries!vacuum tube charge carriers are always negatively charged electrons, transistor charge carriers can be either negatively charged electrons or positively charged holes making construction of "complementary" circuits possible which often significantly reduce needed part count.etc.

What advantage over vacuum tubes did transistors represent in computer design?

From an audio amplifier standpoint, transistors were primarily low-voltage, high current devices. Since loudspeakers were typically low-impedance, the transistorized circuit didn't require a transformer to help match the impedance; i.e. they were better matched. However, when a transistor "saturated" it "clips" abruptly, causing harmonics at the output. Vacuum tubes tended to "soft clip' which reduced the undesirable harmonics. From another standpoint, transistors were smaller in size, didn't require high voltage power supplies, and dissipated less heat (i.e. more efficient).

What is computer made of?

The basic element in a computer can be an electromagnetic relay, a vacuum tube, or a transistor.All three of these can function as switches which are electrically controlled.A computer can use small and cheap vacuum tubes or transistors; while its components need to be reliable, they don't need to be high-quality in all respects. One transistor logic family, ECL (emitter-coupled logic), used in many of the highest-speed computers, takes advantage of the fact that a transistor can respond more quickly to its input if it does not have to go all the way from a fully-on state to a fully-off state.

Why does some footballs have better grip than others?

Footballs have better grips than others because of the material they are made out of. A football that is made out of leather will have a better grip than a football that is made out of nylon.

What inventions were made for the household during the Industrial Revolution?

It was the vacuum cleaner, invented by Daniel Hess The iron and refrigerator as well.

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What is Si transistor?

A silicon transistor is a transistor made of silicon.

The development of the transistor made possible the?

The Development of Computers was made possible by the development of the transistor.

What electronic function made the transistor famous?

The importance of the Transistor was that it could amplify an electrical signal. It was thus an analog of the vacuum tube devices, and could take advantage of the circuit history and applications that had built up over the preceding 50 years.

How was space travel made possible through the invention of transistor?

because transistor is not too hot while vacuum tubes are very easily to get hot

What is meant by transistor AD162?

An AS162 transistor is a type of PNP transistor commonly made of germanium. This is an older kind of transistor that was often found in power amplification circuits.

What is it about the transistor that made it such a great improvement over the vacuum tube?

Transistors are smaller, more reliable, and consume less power than vacuum tubes. They generate less heat, are more durable, and have a longer lifespan. Additionally, transistors are faster and allow for more compact circuit designs.

Why is the base of transistor made very thin?

Base of transistor is made thin just to get Collector current equal to Emitter current.

Will semiconductors amplify the electric signal in a transistor?

Actually, a transistor is a device made from semiconductor material, and they're used to amplify and switch electronic signals as well as electrical power. Before transistors were invented, product engineers had to use vacuum tubes and electromechanical switches in order to complete electric circuits.

What made radios portable in 1955?

The transistor!

What invention made the microcomputer possible?

The transistor

Characteristics of democratic leadership style?

higher morale better decision can be made

What is difference between transistor and amplifier?

A transistor is an electronic component. By itself it has little use. An amplifier is a complete, functional circuit, generally made up of several components. A transistor can be a component part of an amplifier, however an amplifier may be constructed without any transistors (using vacuum tubes instead, for instance).