

Best Answer

If you are using the String class to store your names then you can use the < or > operators to compare the order, alphabetically, they appear in.

String names[3];

int numberOfNames = 3;

names[0] = "abc";

names[1] = "dfg";

names[2] = "hij";

printf("befores%s\n", names[0],names[1],names[2]);

for( int i = 0; i < numberOfNames-1; i++ )


for( int j = 0; j < numberOfNames; j++ )


if( names[j] < names[j+1] )


names[j].swap( names[j+1] );




printf("afters%s\n", names[0],names[1],names[2]);


before abcdfghij

after hijdfgabc


this will give correct answer


int main(){

int i,j,n;

char str[20][20],temp[20];

puts("Enter the no. of string to be sorted");












printf("The sorted string\n");



return 0;


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