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Q: Full form of SGN in Qbasic?
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Full form of QBASIC

Full form of qbasic?

Quick Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code

What is Qbasic?

QBasic is a simple BASIC compiler that can be found on the Windows 98 Disk. Although not fancy and decorative, it is a text-based, non-visual compiler. Basic is a high-level programming language, and QBasic is just a program that compiles the programming language to binary for the computer to execute. No longer used by Microsoft. Full form of Ms-Q-basic is Microsoft Quick Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code

What extension would a file saved in Qbasic have?

the extensions of qbasic are that, there are only 80 pixels to write in the qbasic

Is signam function even or odd and why?

I have no idea about the signam function.The signum function is odd because sgn(-x) = -sgn(x).

Why are rem statements important in qbasic programming?

qbasic is important because its technology

What is the shortcut key for input statement in QBasic?

There is no shortcut key of input in qbasic

What are the different types of operators in QBASIC?

The different types of operators in QBASIC are:Arithmetic OperatorsRelational OperatorsLogical Operators

What are the difference between gwbasic and qbasic?

Difference between QBASIC and GWBASIC?

Why is QBasic called QuickBasic?

Qbasic and Quickbasic are not the same! Qbasic was a free interpreter that Microsoft included with MS-DOS. Although Quickbasic uses similar syntax as quickbasic it allows programs to be compiled.

Fourier transform of unit step function?

we proceed via the FT of the signum function sgn(t) which is defined as: sgn(t) = 1 for t>0 n -1 for t<0 FT of sgn(t) = 2/jw where w is omega n j is iota(complex) we actually write unit step function in terms of signum fucntion : n the formula to convert unit step in to signum function is u(t) = 1/2 ( 1 + sgn(t) ) As we know the FT of sgn(t) we can easily compute FT of u(t). Hope i answer the question

Who found QBASIC?
